Located on the South Saskatchewan River in Saskatoon, the University of Saskatchewan offers 58 degrees, diplomas, and certificates in over 100 areas and disciplines. Colleges and schools include: Agriculture, Arts and Science, Commerce, Dentistry, Education, Engineering, Graduate Studies and Research, Kinesiology, Law, Medicine (includes Physical Therapy), Nursing, Pharmacy and Nutrition, Veterinary Medicine, and Extension Division.
Students also have free access to the College of Kinesiology
Physical Activity Complex. This state of the art, $33 million facility is equipped with both classrooms and labs, a 13,000 square foot fitness centre, a triple gymnasium with 2,500 seats, a running track, dance studio, squash and raquetball courts, and a climbing wall.
Students also have free access to the College of Kinesiology
Housing: Applications received by spring for Voyageur Place and Seager Wheeler Hall for the following winter session have a good chance of being accepted. The waiting lists for one- and two-bedroom apartments in Assiniboine and Wollaston Halls, as well as two-bedroom apartments (for families) in Souris Hall are quite lengthy. It may take one to two years to get in.
Scholarships: THe U of S offers guaranteed entrance scholarships. Students with an awards average in the following ranges will receive:
Average | Amount |
95% or greater | $3,000 |
93% to 94.9% | $2,000 |
90% to 92.9% | $1,000 |
85% to 89.9% | $500 |