Established in 1990, the University of Northern British Columbia is a small, primarily undergraduate university located in the city of Prince George, British Columbia. Set on the Nechako River, UNBC allows students to study in on the doorstep of the great outdoors. With small class sizes. UNBC provides each student unique educational opportunities. The result is a relaxed, yet productive learning community where undergraduates can grow both academically and socially.
At UNBC, the majority of lower-level classes have less than 25 students. For upper level course, a full 75% of classes have fewer than 25 students.
In addition, UNBC run classes at its satellite campuses in
Quesnel and Terrace. As a school serving the needs of northern British Columbia, UNBC offers a Bachelor of Health Sciences and a Bachelor of Fine Arts is being developed with the Emily Carr Institute.
Housing: On-campus accommodations at the University of Northern British Columbia is available for single students.