This will be the the sixth time this course AN450
> Anthropological Field School has been offered in
> Romania. However since the April 7, 2011 course
> announcement, some significant changes in course content and
> structure have been made.
> If you are interested in the visual/digital representation
> and analysis of culture and cultural information, this
> course is an opportunity to consider. This summer
> Robert Mugge's interests and experise, along with some of
> his students, will integrated into this summer's research
> cycle as well into the writeup/representation/presentation
> of this summer's data and its analysis. Mugge is the
> university's endowed professor in telecommunications: For
> more on Mugge,
> see
> In the past, students from Drexel, Emporia, IU,
> Bloomington, Pratt, UCONN, USF and University of Illinois
> Urbana-Champaign have taken part.
> This summer we will look village sites whose information
> infrastructures were recently "modernized" by NGOs and take
> up some issues related to information/knowledge exchange,
> globalization and modernity.
> Last summer this experiential experience was funded in part
> by
> Bilbionet, a project International Research & Exchanges
> Board (REX)
> is implementing in Romania with Bill & Melinda Gates
> Foundation money.
> It is possible that IREX will fund part of this summer's
> work too.
> The course is designed to build competence and confidence
> in qualitative research methods, particularly ethnography
> and related visual/digital forms. There will be
> opportunities to conduct collaborative (small group)
> qualitative research in areas of one's interest and to
> publish from the data streams collected in the field. The
> course is intended to provide students with an analytical
> toolkit which they can apply to subsequent projects of their
> own. These are a few of the publications that emerged
> from this course.
> accepted Cheryl Klimaszewski, Gail Bader and James M.
> Nyce. Studying up (and down) the cultural heritage
> preservation agenda: Observations from Romania.
> European Journal of Cultural Studies
> 2010 Cheryl Klimaszewski, Gail Bader and James M.
> Nyce. Who Wins? Who Loses?: Representation and
> “Restoration” of the Past in a Rural Romanian
> Community. Library Review 59 (2):92-106.
> 2009 Cheryl Klimaszewski and James M. Nyce. Does
> Universal Access Mean Equitable Access?: What an Information
> Infrastructure Study of a Rural Romanian Community Can Tell
> Us. New Library World 110(5/6): 219-236.
> This study visit is sponsored the Rinker Center for
> International Programs and the Department of Anthropology,
> Ball State University.
> For details about previous visits to Romania, please go to
> For a student's perspective, see
> Graduate/undergraduate students from any discipline may
> apply. Students are also welcome to email me re: this
> research/study visit. Class dates are May 12-June
> 6. This summer the cost is estimated to be
> $5050. This includes airfare, food/ lodging, car
> rental/gas, translators and 6 credit hours.
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