Thứ Bảy, 7 tháng 5, 2011

WTZ Call for mobility between Austria and Croatia [ Dead Line : 16 May 2011]‏

WTZ Call for mobility between Austria and Croatia

Publication Date:
01/05/2011 09:00

16/05/2011 17:00

Short introduction to the programme / what is it about? How may WBC participate?:

The Scientific and Technological Cooperation (Wissenschaftlich-Technische Zusammenarbeit - WTZ) is based on inter-governmental agreements about cooperation in the fields of science and technology. In Austria it is financed by the Federal Ministry of Science and Research (BMWF). In the framework of the Agreements on Scientific and Technological Cooperation the operational aspect of the "mobility support" component for Croatia as one of the targeted countries for cooperation is taken care of by the Scientific and Technological Cooperation programme officer at the Centre for International Cooperation and Mobility (ICM) of the Austrian Exchange Service (OeAD-GmbH).

Intensification of the international scientific cooperation of Austrian scientists with scientists from the partner countries by financing mobility costs within the framework of bilateral, trilateral and multilateral scientific cooperation projects.

More details on the call: Major information on administrative issues (e.g. type of entities which are eligible, consortium structure, budget for the call, etc. (a. 1000 characters):


Scientists at universities and universities of applied sciences (Fachhochschulen) and other public scientific and research institutions that are under the responsibility of the Federal Ministry of Science and Research (BMWF).


Travel and living costs for short-term research stays of up to ten days and longer-term research stays of up to three months maximum within the approved duration of the project (in most cases these are two-year projects) are financed.

Application Requirements

A specific scientific cooperation project, in the framework of which scientists from the relevant partner countries are going to cooperate and the basic financing of which must be guaranteed must be submitted bilaterally, trilaterally or multilaterally. Detailed information concerning the application for a project can be found in the current calls for application.

The participation of young scientists (up to 35 years of age) as well as the participation of female scientists in joint research activities is welcomed and/or female scientists are encouraged to apply.

Further information on the programme (e.g. links to programme website, Rules for Participation, Financial Guidelines, etc.):

To access the programme website, please click here:

Contact/additional support (e.g. Helpdesk, contact to NCPs in your country, partnering websites if available, further related links, etc.):

Mag. Sonya Balti, MSc
ICM – Centre for International Cooperation & Mobility
1010 Wien, Ebendorferstraße 7
T +43 1 53408-445
F +43 1 53408-499

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