Centre for Independent Social Research and "Laboratorium: Russian Review of Social Research" announce an International Conference "Complex Gaze at a Complex World: Challenges of Comparison in Social Research", May 25
- 27, 2012, St. Petersburg.
We invite social researchers with the experience of empirical comparative, multidisciplinary, multi-sited projects conducted either individually, or in teams. Through exploring specific studies as examples, we would like to discuss the benefits and limitations of the studies of complex design. We plan to devote special attention to the issues and strategies involved in comparing research outcomes, the reflections of participants in collective research projects on the organization and execution of fieldwork, data analysis and interpretation, and collaborative work on co-authoring reports, articles, and books.
The working language of the conference is English; the roundtables will be conducted in both Russian and English.
Those interested in participating should fill out the application form, which is accessible on the conference website www.russianfield.info, and submit abstracts of their papers (300 words maximum) by October 1, 2011.
The deadline for proposing organized sessions is September 1, 2011.
Session organizers should send their CV, proposed session title and a short description of the session (500 words maximum), together with a list of intended participants, who have confirmed their agreement to take part in the conference, directly to the organizers of the
conference: russianfield.info@gmail.com.
The end of May is the time when the St.Petersburg white nights begin, and the conference participants will have the opportunity to experience and enjoy this beautiful season and take part in a cultural program provided by the organizers.
We welcome you to St. Petersburg!
We are apologizing for the distribution of the information about the conference if the topic is out of your competence. We'll be grateful for any assistance in dissemination of this information among potentially interested scholars.
Please, find more detailed information about the conference in the attachment or on the website of the conference: www.russianfield.info For all questions please contact Elena Bogdanova and Anastasia Meylakhs
email: russianfield.info@gmail.com
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