Thứ Hai, 12 tháng 12, 2011

Conference: The Construction(s) of Conflict and Peace, Exeter Centre for Ethno-Political Studies (EXCEPS), 9-10 July 2012‏

The Construction(s) of Conflict and Peace

Exeter Centre for Ethno-Political Studies’ (EXCEPS)

9-10 July 2012

University of Exeter, UK, Streatham Campus

Conference Convenor: Professor Gareth Stansfield

The manner in which conflicts are framed is intimately linked to conflicts’ various stages, including efforts to mitigate and/or abate their violent effects, be it through military intervention, humanitarian aid and/or the creation of new political dispensations. The shared understandings that provide the bases for these frames, however, are the products of various discursive practices within governments, NGOs, academia, journalism and manifold cultural productions and (e.g., literature, visual arts, museums, etc.). These practices are contingent and messy, and often deeply contested.

The conference will investigate these practices from a multidisciplinary perspective, incorporating insights from both practitioners and academics. It seeks to uncover how the interplay of economic incentives, organizational cultures, political and social climates, and personal and collective beliefs lead to the production and privileging of particular types of knowledge vis-à-vis conflict and peace. It also seeks to explore how these processes vary across occupations, disciplines, time and space. For instance, how do donor and NGO priorities affect the production of ‘local’ knowledge within a conflict site? Are certain stakeholders accorded greater legitimacy vis-à-vis knowledge production? How does access to conflict areas and privileged informants, language and translation, as well as the processes of data collection and representation inform specific conflict interpretations and mitigation efforts? Similarly, if a conflict is located within the ’academic periphery’, how do the practices and priorities of the ‘core’ (e.g., US academia) shape knowledge production? In terms of time, how does knowledge change as conflicts transition towards peace, thus becoming ripe for ‘lesson’ extraction and exportation?

Beyond governments, NGOs, the media and academia, the conference also seeks to investigate how cultural productions create, affirm and/or challenge knowledge of peace and conflict. Specifically, how is knowledge of conflict and peace encoded through architecture and space planning, the visual arts, literature, museums, etc.? Do the different organizational cultures and intended audiences governing the production of these cultural artefacts create different types of knowledge? How are these types of knowledge incorporated and/or ignored by other knowledge producers within conflicts and peace processes?

The conference committee welcomes abstracts and panel proposals on any aspect of this theme. To submit a proposal for a paper or panel, please send an abstract of a maximum of 500 words to by 15 January 2012. Successful applicants will be notified by 15 February 2012. As a limited student travel fund will be available, please indicate in your abstract if you wish to be considered for this fund. For further information, please visit the conference website at

Conference: Living together 'in' diversity. National societies in the multicultural age. CEU Budapest, 21-22 May 2012‏

Contemporary European societies have been recently characterized as
having entered the age of 'super-diversity'. Migratory flows in
particular have contributed to this transformation, due to the
heterogeneous ethno-cultural, and religious background of present
migrants, as well as their social status, age, and mobility patterns.
Among the effects this transformation has brought about is the increased
challenge posed to the constitutive principle of the nation-state, i.e.,
the assumption that identity (nation) and politics (state) can and
should be mutually constituent and spatially congruent. Thus,
unsurprisingly, many states have started perceiving diversity as a
'problem', potentially threatening national unity, while
anti-immigration and xenophobic attitudes have experienced a rapid
Existing scholarship has offered insightful critical analyses of this
'backlash against diversity', documenting the rise of repressive state
measures designed to limit access of new migrants to the national
territory and citizenship. Other scholars have instead moved away from
the idea of the nation-state, proposing either post-national solutions,
which decouple the cultural (nation) from the political (state), or
transnational paradigms, which implicitly discard the focus on the
nation-state as not only obsolete but also politically questionable.
Yet, despite important insights from this scholarship, social and
political life continues to remain largely structured by discourses,
resources and institutions articulated at the national scale.


It is therefore the aim of the proposed conference to explore how
'living together in diversity' is imagined, narrated, organized,
justified, and practiced within contemporary national societies. With
the stress on 'in' rather than 'with' diversity we want to move away
from reifying the dominant 'majority' society perspective, which assumes
diversity as something 'carried' solely by immigrants and something that
the 'native' society has to cope with. Some of the questions that we are
interested in are:

- What makes multicultural societies circumscribed by state borders
cohere together?

- What are the ways in which the nation becomes re-signified to
accommodate the ethno-cultural diversity of its populace?

- How do migrants position themselves in national narratives and
political structures?

- What alternative modes and models of belonging are at work within
present national societies?

- In which ways does the national continue to feature as a site of

Although we acknowledge that these questions are inescapably normative
in character, we particularly welcome empirically-informed work. The
privileged level of analysis we are interested in is the national scale,
but papers focusing on sub-national and supra-national scales can also
be welcomed inasmuch as they can offer insights regarding how living
together in diversity works at the national scale. Regionally, the
conference will focus on Europe, but contributions discussing other
geographical contexts are also welcomed.
- Is it necessary to have some form of common identification at the
national scale to have functioning states in the first place?


All potential participants are invited to submit an abstract (250-300
words) to Tatiana Matejskova ( by December 31st,
2011. By January 31st, 2012 participants will be informed about the
acceptance of their papers. Confirmation of participation and payment of
the conference fee will be due on February 28th, 2012. The conference
fee of 60 Euros will cover refreshments, lunches and conference

Thứ Ba, 6 tháng 12, 2011

IREX/WWC Regional Policy Symposium, Transnational Crime and Corruption in Eastern Europe and Eurasia, Washington DC, 18-20 April 2011‏

2012 IREX/WWC Regional Policy Symposium:

"Transnational Crime and Corruption in Eastern Europe and Eurasia"

IREX, in collaboration with the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars' Kennan Institute (WWC), is pleased to announce its 2012 Regional Policy Symposium, "Transnational Crime and Corruption in Eastern Europe and Eurasia." The research symposium, supported by the United States Department of State (Title VIII Program), will bring American junior and senior scholars and members of the policy community together to examine and discuss transnational crime and corruption in Eastern Europe and Eurasia from multi-disciplinary perspectives. Topics may include: organized crime, corruption, human trafficking, drug trafficking, illicit trade, terrorism, cyber crime, financial crime and environmental crime, among others.

Junior scholars will be chosen based on a national competition to present their current research on the topic of the Symposium. Grants will be awarded to approximately ten junior scholars.

The Symposium is scheduled to take place April 18-20, 2012 in the Washington, DC, metropolitan area and will involve two full days of reviews of current research projects, roundtable discussions, and the dissemination of research results to the policy community through a networking event.

Technical Eligibility Requirements:
      * Applicants must be US citizens
      * Applicants must either be currently enrolled in an MA, MS, MBA, JD, or Ph.D. program or have held a graduate degree for 10 years or less.
      * Applicants who hold an academic post must be pre-tenure.
Grant Provisions:
      * Round-trip airfare (provided by IREX through its travel office) and/or surface transportation from anywhere in the United States to the symposium site.
      * Meals and accommodations for the duration of the symposium.

To receive more information on the 2011 Regional Policy Symposium, please email inquiries to (or visit the program website at . [application | more] Application Deadline: December 9, 2011.

Gonda Van Steen
University of Florida
Dept. of Classics and Center for Greek Studies
125 Dauer Hall
Gainesville, FL 32611-7435

Territorial Cooperation in the EU, Barcelona, 2-4 May 2011‏

1. Call for Papers: "Territorial Cooperation in the European Union"

The University Institute of European Studies (IUEE) is inviting papers for a research workshop on "Territorial Cooperation in the European Union" that will take place in Barcelona (May 2-4, 2012).

This multidisciplinary workshop is intended to gather young scholars working on cross-border cooperation in the EU with special regard - but not only - to the Mediterranean countries. Papers should address cross-border, transnational and interregional territorial cooperation from different disciplines (e.g. political science, sociology, economy, geography, spatial planning and law). They should focus on cross-cutting themes (multi-level governance, institutional capacity building, policy learning and Europeanization) and/or on specific policy problems/sectors (territorial cohesion, local development, environment, urban regeneration, climate change and sustainable development, transport, energy, culture).

The two-days workshop will be an opportunity to share ongoing research on the topic and to receive feedback from a group of discussants (senior scholars from the partner institutions) working on the same field.

The programme will be divided into 4 panels:
1. The governance of cross-border cooperation: institution- and capacity-building
2. The European Groupings of Territorial Cooperation and the reform of Cohesion policy: the state of play
3. Policy networks and policy learning in cross-border, transnational and interregional cooperation
4. Cross-border sustainable development strategies and policies Travel and accommodation funding is available. - see

Application Deadline: December 31, 2011.

Conference: International Conference "Human Security", Belgrade, Serbia, 13 December 2011

The Centre for Security Studies, Belgrade, and the Aleksanteri Institute of the University of Helsinki organise the International Conference “Human Security”, which will be held on 13 December at Aero Club, 4 Uzun Mirkova St., Belgrade.
The conference is the final part of the Aleksanteri Institute’s project “The Environment and Security in the Western Balkans: The Risks and Opportunities Through Co-operation”, supported by the Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs (more details at: The conference is aimed at gathering representatives of Serbian Government and its agencies, experts and academics to discuss the results of research on the role of the environment in questions of regional stability and security in the context of local, regional and international co-operation established to ease these problems. The underlying assumption of the research project is that the link between the environment and security can generate both risks and co-operation in the Western Balkans.

Conference: Milan Stojadinovic - Politics in the age of global turmoils, Belgrade, 12 December 2011‏

Institute of European Studies and the Center for Conservative Studies invite you to attend the first scientific conference about the life and political activities of former Minister of Finance, Minister of Foreign Affairs and President of the Government of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, Milan Stojadinović, titled


Ten prominent Serbian scientists will present their research on specific aspects of this issue, with following open debate. The conference will be held on Monday, December 12th in the hall of the Art Center, 71 King Peterstreet (

Your presence and comments will be of great help.


10:00 – 10:30 – Introduction

Dragan Lakićević, Ph.D, IES Director

Miša Đurković, Ph.D, IES Project Coordinator

10:30 – 12:00 – 1st Session

Boško Mijatović, Ph.D – Stojadinović's economic thought and practice as a
Minister of Finance

Goran Nikolić, Ph.D – Stojadinović's Government economic policy

Bojan Dimitrijević, Ph.D – Army and national security durig the reign of
Stojadinović's Government

Miša Đurković, Ph.D - Stojadinović's foreign policy

12:00 – 12:15 - Break

12:15 – 13:30 – 2nd Session

Aleksandar Raković, Ph.D – Stojadinović's cultural policy

Veljko Đurić Mišina, Ph.D – Concordat crisis

Miroslav Svirčević, Ph.D – Stojadinović and Croatian question in Yugoslavia

13:30 – 14:00 - Cocktail

14:00 - 15:15 – 3rd Session

Ljubodrag Dimić, Ph.D – Stojadinović's exit form Mauritius

Srđa Trifković, Ph.D – Stojadinović in emigration

Momčilo Pavlović, Ph.D – Milan Stojadinović as a Rotarian

All presentations are to be within 15 minutes limit. The debate will start
the end of the 3rd session until the end of the conference at 16:00 hours.


For additional inforation please contact

Encouraging active citizenship in the post-Lisbon EU, Sofia, 11-18 December 2011‏


11-18 December, 2011
Sofia, Bulgaria

The UN Youth Association along with JEF and UEF-Bulgaria have the pleasure
of inviting you to participate in the international seminar "Encouraging
Active European Citizenship in the post-Lisbon EU"

The project will meet the need to inform the new European generation how the
EU works and the rights and obligations the EU citizenship brings.

We now have the Treaty of Lisbon, which has been a great step forward.
Nonetheless, it has become clear that even with the new treaty, the EU is
not equipped with the appropriate instruments to pull itself out of a
fundamental crisis. A crisis that has not only developed from a debt problem
into a full blown economic and social disaster but also into a substantial
questioning of six decades of European Integration. Indeed, the issues that
need to be addressed go to the core of the European Project.

The project will involve governmental officials, elected representatives,
scholars, activists of civil society organizations and, most importantly,
the participants themselves in a series of debates, working groups and euro

The political, social, economic and cultural aspects that the seminar
addresses will contribute to the broader involvement of the participants in
the Future of Europe debates in their countries.


Panel discussions, working groups, debates, lectures, plenary sessions,
simulation games and information market will be some of the methods used to
debate these issues.

The ideas and knowledge generated during the seminar can be used by every
participant and be implemented at local level.

The rich social program, including horse ride in Vitosha mountain
(optional), parties and sightseeing trip to the Rila Monastery, one of the
most significant and picturesque monuments on the Balkans, will enable the
participants to feel the atmosphere of Bulgaria - an ever-evolving and
modern country with great cultural heritage and traditions, dating back from
Roman and Byzantine times.

Participating conditions:

Age 18-30 (no limit for the head of
the delegation)

Countries Slovenia, Greece, Austria,

Costs: 70% of travel costs and 100% of
food and lodging costs
will be covered covered by
the organisers

75 Euro participation fee/person

For more info and an application form write to:

PhD Studentship at Queen Mary, University of London‏

Postgraduate Studentships 2012
The School of Politics and International Relations (SPIR) offers a number of generous studentships for students entering commencing their doctoral studies in October 2012. The deadline for consideration for funded places is 31st January 2012. Candidates whose applications are received after this date may be considered for admission but not for funding.
QMUL Principal’s Studentships
The following studentships are offered:
• Politics & International Studies: in any area of politics or international studies, broadly defined, but with particular concern to the interests of members of the School's academic staff with respect to supervision – see here for more details on research interests in the School
• The Mile End Scholarship in British Political History (joint with the School of History) – see here for more details   
• The Transnational Politics of the Latin American Diaspora, focussing on Bolivia (joint with the School of Geography) – see here for more details
Queen Mary Principal’s studentships are open to UK, EU and international students. They cover tuition fees and a maintenance allowance of around £15,000 per year for up to three years. Candidates will normally be expected to have a good first degree and a Masters degree in Politics, International Relations, or a related subject.
Economic & Social Research Council: Doctoral Training Centre (London Social Science) Studentships
The School of Politics & IR is part of a prestigious ESRC-funded Doctoral Training Centre (DTC), London Social Science, with QMUL and Goldsmiths, University of London. The DTC will provide funding for up to two PhD studentships in SPIR for entry in 2012. Applications in any field where we can offer expert supervision are encouraged. A full list of research interests in SPIR is here.
Studentships cover up to four years of tuition fees and provide a standard maintenance grant of £15,590 per year. PhDs with a particular emphasis on quantitative research may receive an additional Advanced Quantitative Methods (AQM) stipend of £3,000. Successful applicants will be offered a variety of flexible models of combined PhD study and research training: either a 1 + 3 model (i.e. 1 year doing an MA or MRes in advanced research training plus 3 years of PhD) or a model where the research training is completed throughout the course of the 4 years of the studentship.
Please note that you need to complete an additional ESRC application form to be considered for funding through the DTC. Further details and guidance on how to apply are below and available here:
Candidates must adhere to the current residential eligibility rules as laid out in the ESRC Postgraduate Funding Guide available here.
How to Apply
For both types of studentship, apply via the standard doctoral application process, indicating in your application that you wish to be considered for funding. Applications can be made online here. Further details on how to apply are here. Hard copies of the application form are also available.
ESRC DTC applicants must also complete an additional application for funding, which is available to download from here: (under Studentships). This additional form should be emailed directly to - ensure you include ‘ESRC DTC Funding Application – Your Name’ in the subject line of your email. Alternatively, you can send a hard copy to the School of Politics & IR, QMUL, London, E1 4NS for the attention of ‘The Research Manager.’
Successful applicants to both funding schemes are expected to start in October 2012.
You are encouraged to visit our website to establish if your research ideas fit with our current areas of interest. In addition, you are encouraged to make informal contact with a potential supervisor to discuss your proposed topic, in advance of making your application. Two of the College studentships indicated above pertain to specific subject areas – click on the links above for more information.
Applications to both College and ESRC-funded studentships must consist of the following:
• A research proposal which should include a hypothesis, key questions to be addressed by your research, methodology and an indicative bibliography. Further advice on writing a research proposal is here. Please note that the research proposal word length for a studentship application is max. 2000 words.
• You should have a 2:1 or equivalent in your first degree and if your first language is not English you must be able to provide recent evidence that your spoken and written command of the English language is adequate for the programmes for which you have applied. You need to provide evidence of an English language test score or intend to take a test before your studies. Information about English language entry requirements can be found here.
• Transcripts from previous degrees
• 2 academic references
• A full curriculum vitae (CV)
• Supporting statement which states why you want to take the programme
Your complete application must be received in the Admissions Office no later than midnight on 31st January 2012. ESRC DTC funding forms must also be received by this date. Please note that it is your responsibility to ensure that academic references are also received by this date and no later than Friday 3rd February 2012. Applications without references will be considered incomplete and will not be processed further.
Candidates whose applications are received after this date may be considered for admission but not for funding. Candidates will be interviewed for a place. Those shortlisted for funding will be passed to a selection panel for final assessment. ESRC DTC applicants will be informed of the outcome of their application from mid-March 2012.
General enquiries about making a formal application can be addressed to the Research Manager by email, or call +44 0207 882 5829.
The Mile End Scholarship in British Political History (joint with the School of History)
Applications are welcome in the general field of British Politics and Professional Life in Britain in the 20th Century, with a particular focus on the relationship between the political elite and professional groups.. For example, a project may focus on the professional profile of members of Parliament, as well as patterns of cooperation and conflict between the legislature and professional groups, such as, those in medicine, or the trade union movement. Applicants are invited to contact Prof Michael Kenny and Dr Catherine Needham in SPIR, or Dr Helen McCarthy, Dr James Ellison, Dr Peter Catterall and Dr Martyn Frampton in History to discuss their ideas. Applicants are invited to contact Prof Michael Kenny and Dr Catherine Needham in SPIR, or Dr Helen McCarthy, Dr James Ellison, Dr Peter Catterall and Dr Martyn Frampton in History to discuss their ideas.
'The transnational politics of the Latin American diaspora: the Bolivian experience'
This studentship is part of an interdisciplinary collaboration between the Schools of Geography and Politics and International Relations. The project will be co-supervised by Dr Cathy McIlwaine (Geography) and Professor James Dunkerley (Politics and International Relations) (with Dr McIlwaine as the primary supervisor). Applicants should develop their own detailed Research Proposal relating to any dimension of disapora politics among Bolivians. This might include addressing the following issues: dual citizenship, the nature of diaspora participation in formal and informal politics, the gendered and racialised dimensions of identity politics, the creation of transnational political spaces.
Candidates should discuss their research proposal with Professor James Dunkerley and/or Dr Cathy McIlwaine before submitting their application.
Please note that online applications should be submitted for the attention of the School of Geography.

Summer Research Workshops, Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Summer 2012‏


Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum’s Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies invites applications from Workshop Coordinator(s) who wish to conduct two-week research workshops at the Museum during the summer of 2012.

Established in 1999, the Center’s Summer Research Workshops provide an environment in which groups of scholars working in closely related areas of study—but with limited previous face-to-face interaction—can gather to discuss a central research question or issue; their research methodologies and findings; the major challenges facing their work; and potential future collaborative scholarly ventures.

The Center welcomes proposals from scholars in all relevant disciplines, including, though not limited to, history, political science, literature, Jewish studies, philosophy, religion, anthropology, comparative genocide studies, and law.

Workshops consist of two weeks of intensive discussion, culminating in a public presentation of the group’s results. Morning sessions typically consist of presentations by participants on their particular research projects. Afternoon sessions are predominantly dedicated to in-depth discussions of the overarching research issues, priorities, findings, and conclusions, as well as some workshop-based research using the Museum’s collections. The final public panel consists of presentations on (1) the importance of the work and the scholarly rationale for convening the workshop; (2) the issues discussed, approaches taken, and resources used by the group during the two weeks; (3) the issues and source materials identified by the group as the most significant for future work; and (4) the group’s collective results, findings, and conclusions.

Participants will have access to more than 60 million pages of Holocaust-related archival documentation; the Museum’s extensive library; oral history, film, photo, art, artifacts, and memoir collections; and Holocaust survivor database. In addition, participants have access to the digitized holdings of the International Tracing Service (ITS), which contains more than 100 million documents relating to approximately 17.5 million victims of Nazism who were subjected to arrest, deportation, murder, forced labor, slave labor, and displacement through the end of World War II and beyond. Many of these sources have not been examined by scholars, offering unprecedented opportunities to advance the field of Holocaust studies. A staff scholar from the Center with expertise relevant to the proposed topic will be assigned to each workshop. The Center will also provide meeting space and access to a computer, telephone, and photocopier.

For non-local participants, awards include (1) a stipend to offset the cost of direct travel to and from each participant’s home institution and Washington, DC; (2) lodging for the duration of the workshop; and (3) $500 toward the cost of incidental expenses, which will be distributed within two to four weeks of the workshop’s conclusion. Local participants will receive a stipend of $200 for the two weeks.


The Workshop Coordinator(s) assume(s) responsibility for assembling the application package, which must include:

1. An eight- to ten-page, double-spaced proposal describing your research project’s focus, significance, scope, methods, and objectives; its potential to contribute to and advance the field of Holocaust studies; the justification for assembling your proposed participants; any work you have already conducted on this project; and the rationale for convening the workshop at the Museum.

2. A list of six to ten potential workshop participants (including coordinators), roughly half of whom should be affiliated with North American institutions. Museum staff are not eligible. Geographic, disciplinary, and gender diversity is highly desirable. Only in exceptional circumstances may any one institution be represented by more than one scholar. Each group should contain a mix of doctoral candidates, junior scholars (within five years of obtaining their degrees), and tenured and senior scholars who have not had the opportunity to work closely with one another in the past.

3. A ranked list in order of preference of the following three two-week periods in which to hold the workshop: July 9 – 20, July 23 – August 3, August 6 – 17.

The proposals will be evaluated according to their (1) potential contribution to scholarship in Holocaust studies; (2) potential to stimulate work in a new direction or productive area of research; (3) relationship to larger themes or issues in Holocaust studies; (4) diversity and appropriateness of the proposed participants (e.g., institutions, countries of residence, areas of expertise, scholarly advancement, and gender); and (5) potential for new publications, collaborative research, or research endeavors directly resulting from the workshop. Applications for under six or over ten participants will not be considered. The selection committee may amend the roster of participants if the composition of the workshop is deemed insufficiently diverse.

Upon acceptance of your application, a Center scholar will work with the Workshop Coordinator(s) to finalize the dates and participants for the workshop. All participants must attend the entire workshop. Non-U.S. citizens will be responsible for obtaining any visas necessary to attend.

Applications must be postmarked or submitted electronically by January 27, 2012. Selections will be announced in writing by March 2, 2012.

Applications and questions regarding this program should be addressed to Krista Hegburg, Program Officer, University Programs, Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, 100 Raoul Wallenberg Place, SW, Washington, DC 20024-2126; tel: 202.488.0459; fax: 202.479.9726; e-mail:

To learn more about past workshops, go to

Third International Conference on Islam "Islam and Democracy", Madison, Wisconsin, USA, 13-14 April 2012‏

Date: Tuesday, November 29, 2011 11:49 PM
From: International Conference on Islam <>

ICI'12 - Abstract Submission Deadline Extended to December 18, 2011

Following the great response to our call for papers, we are pleased to inform you that we have extended the abstract deadline for the Third International Conference on Islam to December 18, 2011, to allow participants additional time to complete their submissions.

Abstracts are currently invited for giving talks at the conference. Please submit your abstract to by December 18, 2011 according to the abstract preparation guidelines. Please see the following updated call for papers for more information. You can also check our website at<> for updates.

The Third International Conference on Islam "Islam and Democracy"
April 13-14, 2012
Madison, Wisconsin, USA<>

Abstract submission extended deadline: December 18, 2011

Keynote Speakers:
Seyyed Hossein Nasr, George Washington University, Washington, D.C.
John O Voll, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C.

Theme: The theme of this year's conference will be "Islam and Democracy".

Scope: Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following:

* Islamic Theological Perspectives on Democracy
* Islam, Liberalism, and Pluralism
* Islam, Secularism, and the State
* Islam and Nationalism
* Muslim Women and Democracy
* Islam and Democracy in the Middle East
* Islam and Democracy in Central Asia
* Islam and Democracy in Europe
* Islam and Democracy: Turkey Model
* Arab Spring


* Call for Papers: October 3, 2011
* Abstract submission extended deadline: December 18, 2011
* Conference registration starts: January 1, 2012
* Publication of program: March 1, 2012
* Paper submission deadline: March 23, 2012
* Registration deadline: April 1, 2012
* Conference: April 13-14, 2012

If you are interested in giving a talk at the International Conference on Islam, please submit the following to<>:

* Your full name, institutional affiliation and contact information
* 1 page CV/Bio
* The title of your presentation and a 300-word abstract
The submissions will be peer reviewed and accepted abstracts will be published in the proceedings of the conference. The file format should be *.pdf, *.doc, or *.txt.

Each participant must register by April 1, 2012. The registration fee is US $20 for regular participants; there is no fee for UW-Madison students with valid identification. The registration fee covers the expenses for reception and relevant materials (e.g., program, proceedings). For registration, please visit<>. For all questions regarding the conference, please check<> or contact

The conference will be held at the Union South on the University of Wisconsin-Madison Campus.
For the full address and directions, check

You can stay at the Wisconsin Union Hotel located in Union South where the conference will be held. Here are some other suggestions for other places to stay in Madison:
For more information on the conference please check<>, or send an email to:<>

ISA Second Sociology Forum in Buenos Aires, 1-4 August 2012‏

The Research Committee on Language and Society, RC 25, of the International
Sociological Association (ISA) is calling for papers.
In keeping with the ISA conference theme, Social Justice and Democratization, the RC
25 theme for the Second Forum of Sociology for 2012 is The Language of Justice. You
can find a detailed list of session themes at:

RC 25 conceives of studies of language broadly and welcomes all varieties of
sociological analyses of language/representation.
We encourage papers that take up
issues of study or debate that regard language, talk, signification, or other forms of

Please submit an abstract of (300 words maximum) by December 15, 2011.
will find more details about how to submit abstracts at:

The RC 25 program will be finalized in late January.
All presenters will need to be
registered by April 10, 2012.
For more information about the Forum go to:

Memory, History and State-Building in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Sarajevo‏

Memory, History and State-Building in Bosnia-Herzegovina

Critically Assessing and Re-Thinking the Teaching of Memory Politics in Bosnian University Curricula


We are inviting interested scholars, university educators, faculty members and researchers in early stage of their academic career to take part in our collaborative interdisciplinary international project „Memory, History and State-Building in Bosnia-Herzegovina: Critically Assessing and Re-Thinking the Teaching of Memory Politics in Bosnian University Curricula“.

This project is being jointly implemented by the University of Zurich and the Centre for Human Rights of University of Sarajevo, with the financial support of the Swiss National Science Foundation and the Swiss Development Agency, in the framework of the SCOPES scheme (Scientific co-operation between Eastern Europe and Switzerland).

The primary aim of this project is to introduce a critical approach to the use of history and memory within BiH academia and university curricula. The project is designed to strengthen educational and research capacities, to facilitate exchange of ideas and experience, as well as to provide space for critical debates on the core issues at stake.

This call is intended for researchers/faculty staff in early stage of their academic career from BiH academic and cultural institutions to participate in all phases of the project. We aim at forming a group of about 15 fully committed and interested participants who are willing to be agents of change through their own teaching and research activities in BiH universities. During the implementation of the project the aim will be to support and advance their teaching and research abilities and professional development through a collaborative international effort that offers a host of opportunities for scholars/academics in the early stage of their academic career.

Working languages of the seminar are English and Bosnian/Serbian/Croatian. This is a three year project within which the following range of activities will take place: four modular two-day workshops, with experts dealing with issues of history and memory in their research and teaching activities, that will take place in January, April, September and November 2012; a three-day international conference that will take place in June 2012; and work on a set a various publications that will include a critical assessment of existing ways of researching and teaching issues related to history and memory in Bosnian higher education, as well as the development of new approaches (December 2012 to December 2013). In addition to the aforementioned institutions we are open to collaboration with other institutions and independent researchers and academics, from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Switzerland, as well as from other countries.

Application process:

The applicants:

We are looking for junior faculty members and researchers based at the University of Sarajevo, as well as other academic institutions in BiH, who are interested in teaching and researching memory studies and developing their research and teaching skills in a challenging and collegial context. The applicants should be at an early stage of their teaching academic career, with a strong MA degree and publishing record, and preferably holding a PhD degree or enrolled in a doctoral program. We welcome applications from all disciplinary backgrounds.

It is essential that participants be committed to working as a group for an extended period of time. Each participant must have a very good command of English language in order to be able to engage with literature at an advanced level, strong interest in scholarship related to the theme of the seminar, as well as a developed interest in advancing the teaching and research process at their institutions and more widely.


The following documents must be submitted electronically and emailed as attachments to Melina Sadiković [] AND Sylvie Ramel [].
A supporting statement (no longer than 500 words) in English outlining your interests in memory studies, needs and expectations from this project as well as the way in which you will aim to contribute to it;
Your academic CV with a select list of publications;
A sample of a recently published research, or work in progress (no longer than 2,000 words), that will then be discussed within the two-day modular workshops with experts.

Deadline for applications

Applications are expected no later than 20 December 2011.

The applicants will be informed about the results no later than 30 December 2011.

Please, plan for the first modular workshop to take place on 26 and 27 January 2012.

More detailed information:

Melina Sadiković [], or Sylvie Ramel [].

Chủ Nhật, 4 tháng 12, 2011

McGill University

Founded in 1821 with a bequest by Montreal merchant James McGill, McGill University today enjoys an international reputation for scholarly achievement and scientific discovery. Cutting-edge facilities, innovative teaching programs and multidisciplinary research attract first-class professors and students from around the globe, making McGill one of Canada’s most internationally diverse universities.
McGill has 1,627 tenured and tenure-stream faculty and has recruited more than 900 new professors since 2000. Of McGill’s 35,300 students, 56 percent hail from the university’s home province of Quebec (including 6,000 francophones), 25 percent from elsewhere in Canada and 19 percent from abroad.
McGill offers more than 300 bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral programs in 11 faculties and 10 professional schools. The world-renowned Faculty of Medicine has four affiliated teaching hospitals and graduates more than 1,000 health care professionals each year. McGill students have unparalleled opportunities to enrich their educational experience through hands-on research, exchange programs, internships, field study and study abroad programs. They engage in community service by participating in programs and initiatives to aid the disadvantaged locally as well as around the world. The university honours academic distinction and leadership by providing about $15 million a year in undergraduate scholarships and student aid.
McGill faculty engages in an extensive array of research partnerships with other universities, government and industry in Quebec, Canada, throughout North America and around the world. The university has a new state-of-the-art Life Sciences Complex, several remote research stations, 13 branch libraries and special collections and major museum collections and ecological treasures, including Canada’s largest arboretum.
McGill’s main campus, a mosaic of heritage and modern buildings in a green oasis, is set in Montreal’s vibrant downtown core with Mount Royal as a backdrop. The Macdonald Campus occupies 650 hectares of woods and fields on the western shore of the Island of Montreal, providing unparalleled opportunities for agricultural and environmental fieldwork and research activities.

Student fees

Canadian student fees  2010-11 *
Tuition fees (residents of Quebec): $2,068
Tuition fees (out-of-province): $5,568
International student fees  2010-11 *
Undergraduate tuition fees: $14,462 - $16,160
Graduate tuition fees: $12,976 - $14,462
* Source: Statistics Canada. Fees for general programs in arts and humanities.
Note: In addition to tuition fees, universities generally charge fees for goods and services supplied to students. This includes areas such as student associations, sports and health. These additional fees vary widely per university and per student and can run from a few hundred dollars to a few thousand dollars. Check with the university for details.

Student enrolment

2010 rounded preliminary fall enrolment *
Full-time (undergraduates): 21,500
Full-time (graduates): 6,330
Part-time (undergraduates): 4,770
Part-time (graduates): 2,000
* Source: Conference of Rectors and Principals of Quebec Universities