Public lecture programme, Historical and current developments in Southeastern Europe and the Middle East, University of Graz, 10 May, 7 June, 21 June 2011
Public lecture programme
Historical and current developments in Southeastern Europe and the Middle East, University of Graz
„Historische und aktuelle Entwicklungen im südöstlichen Europa und im Nahen Osten"
Programm SoSe 2011
10. Mai 2011
Zsuzsa Csergo (Queen's University, Kanada und Institut für die Wissenschaft vom Menschen)
"Conditions of Pluralism in Central Europe"
07. Juni 2011
Andrew Gilbert (University of Toronto, Kanada)
"Foreign Authority and the Limits of International Intervention in Bosnia-Herzegovina"
21. Juni 2011
Sabine Strasser (Institut für Sozialanthropologie der Universität Wien)
„Bewegte Zugehörigkeiten: Praktiken und Politiken in transnationalen Räumen (EU, Österreich und Türkei)"
Ort: Raum LS 15.03 im RESOWI Gebäudeteil C, Erdgeschoß (K.F. Universität Graz)
Zeit: 17.00-19.00
Zu den Vortragenden:
Zsuzsa Csergo is an associate professor at Queen's University (Kingston, Canada) and specialized in the study of nationalism in contemporary European politics, with particular focus on post-communist Central and Eastern Europe. She is currently working on a comparative project about minority integration in the enlarged European Union.
She obtained her undergraduate education at the Babes-Bolyai University in Cluj, Romania, and her graduate training at the George Washington University in Washington, DC (PhD in Political Science and MA in Russian and East European Studies). Before joining the Queen's faculty, she was Assistant Professor of Political Science and Coordinator of the Women's Leadership Program in U.S. and International Politics at the George Washington University. She was also a regular lecturer at the Foreign Service Institute. Currently, she serves as Vice President of the Association for the Study of Nationalities and Book Review Editor of Nationalities Papers. She has received a number of awards and fellowships, including the Fernand Braudel Senior Fellowship from the European University Institute in Florence, Italy (September-December 2006), the 2005 Sherman Emerging Scholar Award from the University of North Carolina, Wilmington, and research grants from the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, the Institute for the Study of World Politics, the American Council of Learned Societies and Social Science Research Council, the George Hoffman Foundation, and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.
Andrew Gilbert is an Assistant Professor at Anthropology Department, University of Toronto, Canada. His research focuses broadly on the politics of social transformation. He investigates at the intersection of three analytically distinct but otherwise overlapping contexts in contemporary Bosnia-Herzegovina: (1) the various attempts at social and political engineering that make up "international intervention," (2) the presence of socialism in everyday life, and (3) the relationship between violence, historical narrative, nationalist mobilization and state-building.
Sabine Strasser ist Professorin an der Universität Wien, Institut für Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie. Zwischen 2007 und 2011 war sie Associate Professor an der Middle East Technical University in Ankara und arbeitete in dem Projekt FEMCIT – Gender and citizenship in a multicultural context, the Impact of Contemporary Women's Movements", 6. EU Rahmenporgramm als Senior Researcher. Ihre Forschungen und Publikationen konzentrieren sich auf Migration, Integration und transnationale Beziehungen sowie auf Fragen von Egalität und Diversität. Sie hat ihre Forschungen vor allem in der Türkei und in der EU durchgeführt.
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