4th Post-Yugoslav Peace Academy, Sarajevo, 17 – 26 July 2011

4th Post-Yugoslav Peace Academy, Sarajevo, 17 – 26 July 2011
Sarajevo, 17th – 26th, July, 2011
It's our pleasure to inform you that we are organizing the 4th Post-Yugoslav Peace Academy for persons from across the former Yugoslavia who are active in the fields of peacebuilding, dealing with the past, human rights' protection. This event is tailored for activists, students, researchers, theoreticians, journalists and all others whose focus is peace work. The 4th Peace Academy is going to be organized in Sarajevo from July 17th – 26th, 2011.
Our basic intention is to contribute to the advancement of peacebuilding practices and theory in the Post-Yugoslav Countries and offer those who deal with peacebuilding the opportunity to:
- Critically evaluate and reflect on practices and models applied to date in the peacebuilding field regarding the region of former Yugoslavia and beyond;
- Become introduced to new theories and practices of peacebuilding from different parts of the world.
After the academies of the last 3 years (which consisted of three simultaneous courses organized during a single session) and their remarkable experience, this year's Post-Yugoslav Peace Academy offers three different courses, (held at the same time and at the same location) to interested activists and researchers:
1. Language and Ideology
Snjezana Kordic
Working language: Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian
2. Media and Remembering
Snjezana Milivojevic
Working language: Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian
3. Gender, Sexuality, and Violent Conflict
Dubravka Zarkov
Working language: English
Each participant can only attend a single course.
Participation Prerequisites:
Persons working in the field of peacebuilding (advantage will be given to those with a minimum of three years experience and to peacebuilding veterans from the ex-Yugoslav region);
Journalists and media workers (advantage will be given to those with a minimum of three years experience);
Academics, lecturers and students (advantage will be given to student of the third year and above; lecturers and academics should be involved in related fields to peacebuilding and advantage will be given to those with a minimum of three years experience);
Artists working in relevant filed of work and with a minimum of three years experience;
Persons working in State and other governmental institutions with a minimum three year experience in a field related to peacebuilding;
Experience in any of the abovementioned fields;
Willingness to attend the selected course during its whole, eight-day, duration (late arrivals and early departures will not be tolerated);
Willingness to fulfill all obligations related to the course (reading the recommended literature before the start of the Academy, writing a final essay);
Fluency in English (prerequisite for the 3rd course);
Minimum age for participation is 21 years;
Openness to listen and dialogue.
Persons which previously did not participate at the Peace Academies will be given advantage.
Of the entire number of participants, 15% will be reserved for participants coming from other countries beyond the ex-Yugoslav region, where advantage is given to persons whose work is connected to the Region or who themselves come from conflict areas.
Working Methodology:
The courses combine lectures (to a lesser degree) and interactive work method (extensively) through group discussions, small group activities, analysis of video and written material. This type of methods assumes the participants' active involvement and contribution in creating a good work dynamic.
The total duration of each of the courses is eight days – seven work days and one free day in the middle of a course. Working days will be divided into two blocks – morning and afternoon block, with a break for lunch and rest in-between.
All selected participants are obliged to read written materials (course literature) before the start of the Academy. They will receive the materials a month ahead.
Logistical and Technical Information:
If you wish to partake, please fill out the Application form which you can find on the Peace Academy's web page www.mirovna-akademija.org or at the following link and send it to us by May 20th, 2011, by 12pm, at the very latest and email it to: info@mirovna-akademija.orgThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or fax it to: +387 33 715 482
Up to twenty-two applicants will be selected per course. You are going to be notified of the selection results by June 1st, 2011, at the latest. We kindly ask that you fill out the Application as detailed as possible as it is the basis for the selection process.
The participants' accommodation and the courses' activity rooms are in the Franciscan Student Dormitory complex (Franjevacki studentski dom) which is located in the Sarajevo's neighborhood of Grbavica, about 15 minutes' walk to downtown.
The newly built complex meets all of the Peace Academy's needs. The accommodation is organized in double rooms.
Total costs of the participation at the 2011 Post-Yugoslav Peace Academy are 700€ per participant and are entirely covered by the Peace Academy Foundation. These costs include food and accommodation expenses, as well as lecturers' honoraria and costs of working rooms. Financial support for the Peace Academy 2011 has been provided by Mennonite Central Committee and the Geneva Quaker Fund.
Participants are responsible for covering their traveling expenses along with the Peace Academy's obligatory participation fee. Support for travel expenses is available for applicants from Macedonia and Kosovo in the amount of 50€ per participant. In addition, participants are responsible for covering travel insurance expenses.
Participation fee:
Every participant is obliged to pay a participation fee for the participation at the Peace Academy. The participation fee is paid after you receive a confirmation that you have been accepted to on of the course at the Peace Academy 2011. Participation fees are divided into the following three categories:
1. Participants which are citizens of one of the former Yugoslav countries, which are employed, pay a participation fee of 75€ (seventy five Euros).
2. Participant which are citizens of one of the former Yugoslav countries who are unemployed and/or are students, pay a participation fee of 50€ (fifty Euros).
3. Participants which are citizens of other countries pay a participation fee of 300€ (three hundred Euros).
Provisions of bank fees are not included in the participation fees and are expected to be paid by participants themselves.
Participants will be informed about the deadline and means of participation fee payment after the selection process and at the latest by June 1st, 2011.
Participation fees will be used to cover costs of course materials and Peace Academy's operational costs.
Note for participants from the Post-Yugoslav countries:
If you or your organization can contribute to the Peace Academy's sustainability by paying a larger participation fee (e.g., 150, 250 or 350 €), please note that in your application.
For all additional information regarding the Peace Academy please visit our website at http://www.mirovna-akademija.org or contact us directly:
E-mail: info@mirovna-akademija.orgThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Telephone: +387 33 715 480
Fax: +387 33 715 482
Contact Person: Emina Trumic, Peace Academy Coordinator
Grbavicka 91
71000 Sarajevo
Bosnia and Herzegovina
We are looking forward to your applications.
The Peace Academy 2011 Organization Team
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