Thứ Năm, 10 tháng 3, 2011

The Youth Encounter on Sustainability (YES)

The YES course is a pioneering concept in education for sustainable development for university students and graduates all around the world. Each two week course brings together a multicultural and multidisciplinary group of 30 to 40 participants to discuss the challenges of sustainable development in a unique setting. The  large  diversity  of  cultures,  languages  and disciplines  and  the  opportunity  to  work  together  with  other  outstanding  students  and esteemed international faculty make the YES environment an enriching and unforgettable learning experience. After attending a YES course, participants become a member of the large YES Alumni network, with ongoing projects and activities.
More information on the courses, the YES movement and the faculty involved is available in the YES brochures and the yearly reports (see under Documents ):

YES Alumni Special Courses / YES Alumni Network
In  recent  years  a  focus has  been  placed  on  further  leveraging  the   international network of high potential alumni  students  that emerge  from  the YES  training programs.   At  the end of 2007 an online social networking platform was launched to facilitate online interaction and knowledge  sharing  among  the  group  for  issues  related  to  sustainable  development. Over 150 YES Alumni have been involved in common projects since 2005. Many have started new enterprises and started new activities with the help of this network. The next milestone will be the launch of specialized follow up courses for YES Alumni students. In 2011 the YES Alumni Association will be created.

The goal of YES Special Courses is  to  provide  opportunities  for  continued  learning  that  builds  on the valuable  knowledge  and  skills  gained  in  the  YES  course  and  the  individual  experiences  the participants have had  since attending  the  course.   The  concept was  to hold  courses  focusing on one  concrete  topic  while  providing  training  in  valuable  skills  such  as  project  development  and management, fundraising, cross cultural communication and working in multidisciplinary teams. 

YES Special Courses already realized
YES Special on "Water and Sustainability"
Sinai  Desert, Egypt, November 2008 in partnership with the Wadi Environmental Science Center (WESC),  an Egyptian NGO. The program brought together 17 YES Alumni to live and learn together in a Bedouin Eco-lodge in the middle of the Sinai Desert.

YES Special on "Food Security and Sustainable Agriculture"
Stellenbosh, South Africa, November 2009 in partnership with the University of Stellenbosch. The course included workshops, group work, field trips, work with the local community and project development.

YES Special on "Sustainability through Social Enterpreneurship"
Armenia, Colombia, December 2010 in partnership with AVINA, diverse Latin American NGO and US Universities. 34 YES Alumni and young professionals participated in this amazing 16 days course in a remote mountain area, learning on building high performance organizations, designing effective solutions and creating sustainable business models.

Further programs on diverse topics are planned for the future, so check this page for the newest course offerings. Information on these courses already held, are to be found under Documents.
More information  rabout the 1300 students from 120 different countries who form the global pool of alumni from YES courses can be found at:

Course Offerings – Apply Now!

The new course concept as of 2011 is focused on a specific issue which relates as showcase to the country or area where the course is held. The understanding and themes of the Sustainability concept will be the basics as in our prior courses. We also welcome young professionals who hold a degree from an academic institution.
An overview of the course offering in 2011 and the general rules of application can be found here:
course overview 2011

For each one of these courses we prepare a seperate flyer and an application form. Basic information on YES courses (General Brochure) you can find under YES General Brochure
YES course Japan, 23 March - 7 April 2011 (application terminated)
YES course Serbia, 8 - 25 July 2011 (download application form - download course brochure )
YES course Switzerland, 8 - 25 September 2011 (download application form)
YES course Kenia, November 2011 (exact date to be advised)

YES Special course Colombia, February 2011 (exact date to be advised)
For further questions and applications, please write to:
roger.baud@actis-education.chThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

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