The Summer School deals with the complexities of human and minority rights and diversity management in Europe. The 2011
special focus explores linguistic diversity in Europe: How can minority languages spoken by more than forty million people
in the European Union be protected and promoted? Which languages need a special attention? How to acquire and teach a
minority language? What is the challenge of linguistic diversity and language protection within the EU?
The Summer School deals with the topic of linguistic diversity and language rights from a multi-disciplinary perspective: on one
hand the international and interregional protection mechanisms of the United Nations, the OSCE and the Council of Europe
as well as the European Union regarding language rights are presented and discussed with academics and practitioners.
On the other hand the wide range of linguistic diversity will be explored through theoretical discussions from all relevant fields
(law, political sciences, sociology, linguistics) and practical case studies of promoting and protecting minority languages in
We offer not only an in-depth overview on human and minority rights, focussing especially on linguistic diversity and language
rights, but also the possibility to discuss their implementation with international leading academics, lawyers and practitioners
from international organisations.
The Summer School participants will engage also in the discussion on old vs. new minorities: Besides the theoretical foundations
participants will take part in an international conference presenting the final results of a research project on Migration in
the Alps (MigrAlp: see
Applications online at until 01.04.2011.
The program is tailored for members of linguistic minorities and civil servants from local, regional or national administrations
who primarily deal with the minority related issues and therefore require both theoretical and practical training in diversity
management; lawyers, economists, social scientists and others in the employment of non-governmental organisations
wishing to enhance inter-disciplinary skills and to specialise within different aspects of minority rights; journalists and teachers
interested in the recent developments and advanced training in the related fields; Master and PhD students wishing to acquire
greater competitive personal competence beneficial for a future career in the academia or practice-orientated professions.
Tuition fee: 500€. Accommodation, travel costs and other expenses are not covered by the tuition fee.
Scholarships covering parts of the tuition fee are available.
Convenient accommodation for every participant can be arranged by the
EURAC - The European Academy of Bozen/Bolzano is located in the
autonomous region of Trentino-Alto Adige/South Tyrol in northern Italy. The
case of South Tyrol is often quoted as a model of self-governance as well as
a model solution for minority protection the accomodation of linguistic diversity.
Hence EURAC is able to provide exceptional theoretical and practical
knowledge in the examination and application of issues related to minority
protection and regionalism.
For further information, including detailed programme and application
procedure, please visit:
special focus explores linguistic diversity in Europe: How can minority languages spoken by more than forty million people
in the European Union be protected and promoted? Which languages need a special attention? How to acquire and teach a
minority language? What is the challenge of linguistic diversity and language protection within the EU?
The Summer School deals with the topic of linguistic diversity and language rights from a multi-disciplinary perspective: on one
hand the international and interregional protection mechanisms of the United Nations, the OSCE and the Council of Europe
as well as the European Union regarding language rights are presented and discussed with academics and practitioners.
On the other hand the wide range of linguistic diversity will be explored through theoretical discussions from all relevant fields
(law, political sciences, sociology, linguistics) and practical case studies of promoting and protecting minority languages in
We offer not only an in-depth overview on human and minority rights, focussing especially on linguistic diversity and language
rights, but also the possibility to discuss their implementation with international leading academics, lawyers and practitioners
from international organisations.
The Summer School participants will engage also in the discussion on old vs. new minorities: Besides the theoretical foundations
participants will take part in an international conference presenting the final results of a research project on Migration in
the Alps (MigrAlp: see
Applications online at until 01.04.2011.
The program is tailored for members of linguistic minorities and civil servants from local, regional or national administrations
who primarily deal with the minority related issues and therefore require both theoretical and practical training in diversity
management; lawyers, economists, social scientists and others in the employment of non-governmental organisations
wishing to enhance inter-disciplinary skills and to specialise within different aspects of minority rights; journalists and teachers
interested in the recent developments and advanced training in the related fields; Master and PhD students wishing to acquire
greater competitive personal competence beneficial for a future career in the academia or practice-orientated professions.
Tuition fee: 500€. Accommodation, travel costs and other expenses are not covered by the tuition fee.
Scholarships covering parts of the tuition fee are available.
Convenient accommodation for every participant can be arranged by the
EURAC - The European Academy of Bozen/Bolzano is located in the
autonomous region of Trentino-Alto Adige/South Tyrol in northern Italy. The
case of South Tyrol is often quoted as a model of self-governance as well as
a model solution for minority protection the accomodation of linguistic diversity.
Hence EURAC is able to provide exceptional theoretical and practical
knowledge in the examination and application of issues related to minority
protection and regionalism.
For further information, including detailed programme and application
procedure, please visit:
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