6th InASEA Conference: Southeast European (Post) Modernities, University of Regensburg, 28 April - 1 May 2011
International Association for Southeast European Anthropology (InASEA)
Thursday, April 28 18.00–20.00 Plenary Session I
Room: H 10
Neumann-Holzschuh, Ingrid (Vice-Rector of the University of Regensburg for
International Affairs):
Brunnbauer, Ulf (University of Regensburg, President of InASEA):
Welcome and Aims of the Conference
Silverman, Carol (University of Oregon, Eugene, USA):Gypsy Music, Hybridity and
Appropriation: Balkan Dilemmas of Post-modernity
Friday, April 29
9.00–10.30 Plenary Session II
Room: H 10
Naumović, Slobodan (University of Belgrade, Serbia):
Can Reflection on Modernity be Modern again in Post-Postmodern Southeast Europe?
Nitsiakos, Vassilis (University of Ioannina, Greece):
From Pre-modern Kurbet to Post-modern Transnationalism. Theoretical and
Methodological Reflections
Chair: Klaus Roth (University of Munich)
11.00–13.00 SESSION 1
1.1 Labor, Time, and Calculation: Coping with Capitalism in Southeast Europe
Room: ZH 1
Cash, Jennifer R.:
Managing Time in Moldova: Transformations of the Ritual Cycle under
Monova, Miladina:
House Economy and Ritual Life in a Macedonian Town: the Case of Tobacco Growers
Tocheva, Detelina:
Postsocialist Capitalism and the Rural Domestic Economy: Domains and Limits of
Vasile, Monica:
Does Crisis Increase Calculation? Timber Trade, Risks and Work in the Highlands
of Romania
Discussant: Nevena Dimova (Sofia)
Chair: Vesna Vučinić-Nešković (Belgrade)
1.2 Political and Social Identities
Room: ZH 2
Moisa, Daniela:
Maisons de rêve à Certeze. (Re)construction des identités sociales à travers le
bâti dans la Roumanie socialiste et postsocialiste
Petre, Raluca:
What Does "Communist" Mean in the Post-Communist Time?
Lauth Bacas, Jutta:
National Identity and Every Day Life after the Debt Crisis in Greece
Chair: Sabine Rutar (Regensburg)
1.3 From “Rural” to “Plural”: Reinventing Locality via Tourism
Room: ZH 5
Iancu, Bogdan:
Fishing in Muddy Waters: Tourism and Access to Resources in the Danube Delta
Nagy, Raluca:
From "Leopard" to "Waffle" Fence: Local Comparative Aesthetics in Maramureș and
Stroe Monica:
Tourism, Food and Landscape in the Fortified Villages of Transylvania. Exploring
Global Patrimonialization practices in local contexts
Stojanović, Marko:
Ethno Village: Desirable, Irreal and Functional Construct of Identity
Chair: Manuel Trummer (Regensburg)
1.4 Photography and (Post)Modernity, Part I
Room: ZH 6
Radić, Nenad:
The Hegemony of Vision: Josip Broz Tito, Photography and Issues of Modernity in
Former Yugoslavia
Kassabova, Anelia:
Visualisierungen als Strategie zum (Un-)Sichtbarmachen von sozialen
Ausgrenzungen. Das Beispiel der staatlichen Kinderfürsorge im
(post-)sozialistischem Bulgarien
Chair: Friederike Kind-Kovács (Regensburg)
1.5 Religion, the State and National Identity
Room: ZH 7
Staab, Nicolai:
Problems in Applying Theories of Religion in (Post-)Modernity to Southeast
Kijewska, Anna:
"When the Religion is not the Corn Value". Local and National Variety of Islam
in North-Eastern Bulgaria (categories and metaphors in ethnic studies)
Ciolcă, Alina-Carmen:
Séparation Eglise-Etat en Roumanie postcommuniste? Rapports politico-sociaux
autour de la question de la présence des symboles religieux dans l’espace public
Chair: Ioannis Manos (Florina)
1.6 Negotiating (Post)Modernities: the Western Balkans in the process of
Room: ZH 8
Erdei, Ildiko:
IKEA in Serbia: Debates on Modernity, Culture and Democracy in Pre-Accession
Petrović, Tanja:
Mourning the Lost Modernity: Workers, Europe, and (post)Yugoslav Post-socialism
Hofman, Ana:
(Re)Balkanization of Europe: Balkan Music Awards 2010
Chair: Gunther Hirschfelder (Regensburg)
14.30–16.30 SESSION 2
2.1 Imagining, Shaping, and Tagging: Changing Spatial Practices in South East
European Land- and Cityscapes
Room: ZH 1
Aceska, Ana:
Negotiating the skyline: the very peculiar visibility of the borderline in the
divided city of Mostar, Bosnia-Herzegovina
Schäuble, Michaela:
“The Land Where East meets West”. Dalmatia as a Geographical and Geopolitical
Šuber, Daniel:
Politics of Walls. Reading Images in Contemporary Serbia
Vetters, Larissa:
Mastering the Politics of Scale. Elite Place-Making Projects in Contemporary
Mostar, Bosnia-Herzegovina
Chair: Petruta Teampau (Cluj-Napoca)
2.2 New Power Configurations and Resistance
Room: ZH 2
Dokuzović, Lina/Tatlić, Šefik:
Transition as a Void: Integration, Complicity and Resistance
Lafazanovski, Ermis:
Rebuilding the Institutional Ruins: “Attacks”, “Resistances”, and Post-socialist
Institutional Changes in Nation Building Processes in the Republic of Macedonia
Rozakou, Katerina:
Crafting the "Volunteer" in Greece: New Forms of Governmentality and Subversive
Tamminen, Tanja:
Re-establishing Cross-border Cooperation in the Rugova, Theth and Prokletija
Mountain Areas. Adaptation, Appropriation, Resistance
Chair: Calin Cotoi (Bucharest)
2.3 Migration, Identity, Politics
Room: ZH 5
Athanasopoulou, Angeliki:
Constructs and Uses of a "Western" Identity: the Case of Albanian Immigrants in
Gavrilović, Ljiljana:
MMORPG: Entering the World Without Borders
Hemming, Andreas:
Home Away from Home: Creating Mirdita
Thoma, Dimitra:
Immigrant Students' Contribution to the Shaping of a Positive Professional
Identity of Greek Teachers in Secondary Education
Chair: Asker Kartari (Istanbul)
2.4 Photography and (Post-) Modernity, Part II
Room: ZH 6
Robert, Pichler:
The Transformative Force of the Visual in Architecture and Ritual. A Study of
Style and Performance in Albanian Transmigrant Communities in Macedonia
Rohringer, Margit:
Representations on Memory and the Revision of History in the Balkan Documentary
Filmmaking After the Collapse of Communism
Čupić, Simona:
Fashion (in) Photography: Fashion, Visual Culture and Identity in Serbia Between
the World Wars
Chair: Friederike Kind-Kovács (Regensburg)
2.5 Revival of Religious Festivities in Southeastern Europe since the Early
Room: ZH 7
Vusheva, Marinella:
Pilgrimage and Ritual Practices in Post-socialist Bulgaria
Primorac, Jakša:
Holy Week Processions in Croatia
Seraïdari, Katerina:
Religious Processions in the Aegean (Greece): When Continuity is Defined by
Vučinić-Nešković, Vesna:
Litija of Kuti: Sabor of the Bay of Kotor, Montenegro
Chair: Aleksandra Pavičević (Belgrade)
17.00–19.00 SESSION 3
3.1 Imagening “Europe”
Room: ZH 1
Ehrlich, Kornelia:
"Creative City" Ljubljana? Europeanization in Southeastern Europe
Malešević, Branka:
"It Seems that We Could Speak of Different Europes": Temporal Tropes,
Memory-Work, and Ethical Public History in the Future of the Danube Region
Telbizova-Sack, Jordanka:
„Europa“ in den Debatten muslimischer Bevölkerungsgruppen Bulgariens:
Konstruktionen und Wandel
Chair: Klaus Roth (Munich)
3.2 Migration and Social Processes
Room: ZH 2
Markov, Ivaylo:
Labour Mobility among Albanians from Macedonia: Yugoslav and Post-Yugoslav
Dimension and Socio-Cultural Dynamic
Radojičić, Dragana:
Migrations of Russians as a Global/Local Social Phenomenon
Shkreli, Inis:
Narrations on Migration and Adaptation Processes Among Vlachs of Korça in
Chair: Mila Maeva (Sofia)
3.3 Common Law Traditions
Room: ZH 5
Bardhoshi, Nebi:
The Kanun of Land and Social Relations in Post-Communism: The Case of Northern
Djordjević, Crnobrnja Jadranka:
Customary Law: an Instrument of Cultural Petrification
Voell, Stéphane:
Kulla and Koshki: Identity and Traditional Law in Albania and Georgia
Chair: Tanja Tamminen (Helsinki)
3.4 Consumption
Room: ZH 6
Krasteva-Blagoeva, Evgenia:
"Old" and "New" Collective Consumptions in Bulgaria (or why it is not Good to
Eat out Alone)
Hande, Bilsel Engin:
Buying Things as Rituals of Interaction among Young College Istanbulite Women
Oteanu, Ana Maria:
Social Remittances Based Initiatives: Conspicuous Consumption and Social
Simić, Marina:
The Deceit of Goods: Consumption and Reconstruction of "Normality" in
Post-socialist Serbia
Chair: Ildiko Erdei (Belgrade)
3.5 New and Traditional Forms of Religiosity
Room: ZH 7
Iliescu, Laura Jiga:
New Forms of Religious Practices Performed in the Cyberspace
Djurić-Milovanović, Aleksandra:
How Long Have you been in the Truth? Expressing New Forms of Religiosity:
Romanian Neo-Protestants in Serbia
Benga, Leana:
Bonfires for not Just any Dead. Experiential Meaning and Ceremonial Expression
for a Long-concealed Trauma
Chair: Katharina Eisch-Angus (Regensburg)
3.6 Narrating and Remembering Change
Room: ZH 8
Vučković Juros, Tanja:
The Communist Past in the Capitalist Present. The Experiences of Two Croatian
post-Yugoslav Generations
Branda, Aline Ioana:
Narratives of Change. A Case Study
Métrich, Louise:
Remembering, Reconstructing, Imagining the Past. Taking over memories of
December 1989 in Romania
Chair: Alina Branda (Cluj-Napoca)
Saturday, April 30
9.00–11.00 SESSION 4
4.1 Capitalist Transformation(s)
Room: ZH 1
Orhon, Goze:
“Has not Been that Easy”: Transition to Neoliberalism and the 1980 Coup d’Etat
in Turkey
Prato, Giuliana B.:
Free Market and Liberal Democracy in Albania: An Anthropological Approach to
Regime Change
Trifunović, Vesna:
"Winners" and "Losers" of Transition as New Social Groups in Serbian Society
Smith, Erin
Getting your Foot in the Door: miq dhe lekë
Chair: Ioannis Manos (Florina)
4.2 Mediascapes and Community
Room: ZH 2
Gehl, Katerina:
Helden, Räuber, Heilige. Folklore-Elemente der massenmedialen Politikvermittlung
im heutigen Bulgarien
Maeva, Mila:
Internet and Emigration of Bulgarian Citizens to the United Kingdom
Zahova, Sofiya:
Up-grading the Tradition: Incorporation of Mobile and Internet Telephony into
Traditional Customs and Practices in Montenegro
Bielenin-Lenczowska, Karolina:
Ethnographic Fieldwork in Reality and On-line. Methodological and Ethical
Chair: Asker Kartari (Istanbul)
4.3 Marriage and Beyond
Room: ZH 5
Banta, Ionela Carmen:
Marriage Ritual in a Block of Flats in a Neighbourhood in the Periphery of the
City of Craiova (Romania)
Dohotariu, Anca:
Les relations familiales chez les jeunes couples non mariés en Roumanie.
Pratiques, représentations, valeurs: une enquête comparative Roumanie – France
Marjanović, Vesna:
Wedding Customs as a Marker of Challenges Among Young Couples in Serbia.
Adopting the "Western" Model as a Status Symbol
Chair: Evgeniia Krasteva-Blagoeva (Sofia)
4.4 Reconfiguration of the Urban Space
Room: ZH 6
Murtezani, Izaim:
The Space (the Center of Town) as Locus and Focus. The Project Skopje 2014
Vaetisi, Şerban:
New Urban Spaces and Materialities in Post-socialist Cluj, Romania
Ranković, Daniela:
New Belgrade Post-war Identity – Sustainable Modern City – Social Transformation
Chair: Carol Silverman (Eugene, OR)
4.5 Development of Religiosity
Room: ZH 7
Hristov, Petko:
New Local Identities and “Returning” Religiousness on the Post-socialist Balkans
Stefanović-Banović, Milesa:
Religious Material Culture as a Source of "(Post-) modern" Orthodox Christian
Identity in Serbia
Pavićević, Aleksandra:
New Religiosity and Relations towards Death. Serbia at the Beginning of Third
Chair: Katharina Eisch-Angus (Regensburg)
11.30–13.30 SESSION 5
5.1 Re-defining National Identities
Room: ZH 1
Bealcovschi, Simona:
Le Nous fragmenté et le Je cosmopolite. Les nouvelles dynamiques identitaires
Sorescu, Andrei-Dan:
Modernity and the Picturesque: A Romanian Understanding of Identity and Alterity
Márton, Mihai:
Ethnic Denotations: The Hungarian Case
Chair: Alina Branda (Cluj-Napoca)
5.2 Gender Relations and Identities
Room: ZH 2
Papa-Pandelejmoni, Enriketa:
Religion and Gender between Public and Private in post-socialist Albania
Ristovska-Josifovska, Biljana:
Gender Relations in Macedonia After Socialism From Declaration to Legislation)
Stoicescu, Adrian:
(Be-)Gendering the Existence. Towards a New Type of Pattern: The Retrosexual
Petrova, Velislava:
Les femmes d'un marché urbain
Chair: Ulf Brunnbauer (Regensburg)
5.3 Family Forms and Relations
Room: ZH 5
Zlatanović, Sanja:
Family and Kinship in a Post-War Context: A Serbian Community in Southeast
Yancheva, Yana & Pimpireva, Zhenia:
The Changing Family Among the Bessarabian Bulgarians in the Post-Soviet Space
Ullmann, Katrin:
Familienbilder in den Selbstbeschreibungen junger Erwachsener aus Südosteuropa
Dimova, Nevena:
Changing Models of Parenting in Contemporary Urban Families in Bulgaria
Chair: Klaus Roth (Munich)
5.4 Youth Cultures and Life Styles
Room: ZH 6
Ceausescu, Ania:
The Influence of Social groups in Lifestyles Choices Made by Romanian Teenagers
Koleva, Daniela:
Has the "Lost Generation" Found its Way? Youth Cultures, Communities and Causes
in Present-day Bulgaria
Nazarska, Georgeta:
Youth Cultures, the Orthodox Church and Nationalist Formations in Bulgaria:
Coexistence in the Postmodern Situation
Petrović, Duško:
Student resistance
Chair: Marina Simić (Belgrade)
5.5 Minorities
Room: ZH 7
Pavlović, Mirjana:
Serbian Community of Romania in the Process of Transition
Şerban, Stelu:
Hidden Identity or National Minority? The Case of Bulgarians in Romania
Simeunović Bajić, Natasa:
Social Exclusion in Post-Socialist Context: The Representations of Roma in
Serbian Print Media
Anovska, Kleanti:
Influence of the Recent Changes in the Life Styles of Vlachs on Their Folklore
Chair: Petruta Teampau (Cluj-Napoca)
15.00–17.00 SESSION 6
6.1 Music, Festivity and Performance
Room: ZH 1
Erol, Ayhan:
Changing Modes of the Alevi Musical Culture: Traditionalism, Avant-gardism, and
Neagota, Bogdan:
Ceremonial Expressions of Local Popular Cultures in Post-socialist Romania. The
"Făşanc/Fasching" From Mountain Banat (Paper and Anthropological Film)
Mellish, Liz:
Life in a 21st Century Romanian Folk Ensemble: Continuity in tradition –
Transformations in Live
Ivanova, Miglena:
New Political Elites as Patrons of Hip-hop Graffiti Writing
Chair: Marina Simić (Belgrade)
6.2 Representing Gender
Room: ZH 2
Oancea Costin, Valentin:
Language and Men's Place in 21st century Romania
Mitrović, Marijana:
Negotiating Europeaness and a Memory Surplus in Post-Yugoslavian Feminist
Mojsieva-Gusheva, Jasmina:
Gender Identity in Modernism and Postmodernism
Vartolomei, Adelina:
The Modern Aeneas: Romanian Women Abroad
Chair: Natali Stegmann (Regensburg)
6.3 Labour Relations and Entrepreneurs
Room: ZH 5
Knight, Daniel:
The relocation of Greek Businesses in the Balkans: a Capitalist Diaspora
Niculae, Simona:
From “the Pride of the Nation” to “All Corrupted”: the Professional Group of
Foresters in Romania
Petrova, Ivanka:
Orthodoxe Praxen in bulgarischen Kleinunternehmen
Dinca, Melinda/Bulgaru, Teodora:
History of Changes in Work Opportunities. Case Study of the Commune of Coronini
Chair: Stefan Dorondel (Bucharest)
6.4 New Nationalisms
Room: ZH 6
Efremova, Georgia:
Integralist Life-styles, Nationalist Politics and the Constructions of Cultural
Difference as Part and a Response to the (Post) Modern European Project
Uzun, Emel:
“I am a Nationalist Person”: Meaning of Nationalism(s) in Discourse of Ordinary
Valič, Urša:
The "Latin Origins" of Romanians: Modern Concepts of National Ideology in
Janev, Goran:
What Happened to the Macedonian Salad: Establishment of Modern Ethnocracy
Chair: Raluca Petre (Constanta)
6.5 Urban Heritages
Room: ZH 7
Depner, Anamaria:
Aus alt mach Erbe. Der Umgang mit historischer Bausubstanz in Timişoara im
Spannungsfeld zwischen „postmodernem Liberalismus“ und „normativer
Hysa, Armanda:
The Charshija: Between Pre-modern Fame, Modern Exotism and Nostalgia, and Global
"Chinese" Marketplace
Radović, Srdjan:
(Un-)changed Biography of a Town: History, Memory and Usage of Jajce’s Heritage
Stahl, Irina:
Une acculturation désirée. Le cas de la ville de Bucarest au XIXe siècle
Chair: Damiana Otoiu (Bucharest)
Room: H 10
Sunday, May 1
9.00–11.00 SESSION 7
7.1 (Mis-) Uses of Cultural Heritage
Room: ZH 1
Broilo, Federica:
Islamic Cultural Heritage Policies in Albania: some examples
Habit, Daniel:
Becoming „European“? Forms of Interpretation of Cultural Heritage in Patras and
Sibiu, European Capitals of Culture 2006/2007
Hajdu, Ada:
The Creation of Romanian National Cultural Heritage. White Spots and "European"
Marinov Tchavdar:
“Welcome to the Land of Orpheus”: Politics of Heritage and Tourism in
Post-communist Bulgaria
Chair: Damiana Otoiu (Bucharest)
7.2 Remembering Communism
Room: ZH 2
Halili, Rigels:
When the War Ended? Historical Debates regarding WWII, Politics of Memory and
Rituals of Remembrance in Post-communist Albania
Luleva, Ana:
Remembering and Justice. Post-socialist discourses in Bulgaria
Lungu, Corina:
Coping with the Absurdity of Communism in Matei Visniec's "How to Explain the
History of Communism to Mental Patients"
Habinc, Mateja:
Folklore Events: an Ethnological Heritage, a Heritage Unwanted or a Socialist
Chair: Klaus Roth (Munich)
7.3 Rural Communities in and after Socialism
Room: ZH 5
Catrina, Sonia:
Functional Interdependences Within the Romanian Rural Communities
Lelaj, Olsi:
The Proletarianization of Peasantry: A Narrative of Socialist Modernity in
Pusceddu, Antonio Maria:
“Albanians Made Us Lazy”: Rural Developments Along the Greek-Albanian Border
Dorondel, Stefan:
Food for the Dead: Reinforcing Social Ties, Work-Exchange and Post-socialist
Agriculture in Romania
Chair: Mihai Márton (Regensburg)
7.4 Emotions, Language and the Body
Room: ZH 6
Petrov, Martin:
Love in Post-socialist Society (the Case of Bulgaria)
Teampau, Petruta:
Beauty, Body and Social Change in Post-communist Romania
Ilić, Marija:
“How Old do You Think I Am?” Pronouns of Power and Solidarity in Serbian Today
Chair: Natali Stegmann (Regensburg)
7.5 "Balkanism", Modernity and Beyond
Room: ZH 7
Voicu, Cristina-Georgiana:
From Colonial Power to Neo-liberal Eastern Europe
Cotoi, Calin:
Social Sciences and East European (Mis-) Representations of Modernity
Tosić, Jelena:
Diversity and Modernity in the Balkans: A discursive-historical retrospective of
the present
Chair: Heike Karge (Regensburg)
11.30–13.30 SESSION 8
Roundtable Discussion: The State of Affairs in Anthropology, Ethnology, and
Folkloristics in Southeastern Europe
Room: H 10
Jasna Čapo-Žmegać (Zagreb)
Stefan Dorondel (Bucharest)
Armanda Hysa (Tirana)
Asker Kartarı (Istanbul)
Vlado Kotnik (Koper)
Evgenia Krăsteva-Blagoeva (Sofia)
Ioannis Manos (Florina)
Aleksandra Pavičević (Belrgade)
Chairs: Vesna Vučinić Nešković (Belgrade) / Klaus Roth (Munich)
Program Committee
Evgenia Krasteva-Blagoeva (Anthropology, New Bulgarian University, Sofia)
Ulf Brunnbauer (Chair of Southeastern and Eastern European History, University
of Regensburg)
Asker Kartari (Faculty of Communication, Kadir Has University, Istanbul)
Ioannis Manos (Department of Balkan Studies, University of West Macedonia,
Damiana Gabriela Otoiu (Institute of Political Studies, University of Bucharest)
Klaus Roth (Institute for German and Comparative Ethnology, University of
Vesna Vučinić-Nešković (Department of Ethnology and Anthropology, University of
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
University of Regensburg
Universitätsstiftung Hans Vielberth
Mr Bastian Vergnon (Bastian1.Vergnon@stud.uni-regensburg.de)
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