Summer School in 'The Civilian Personnel of Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding
Operations', Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa (Italy), 14 - 16 July 2011
The Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna in Pisa, Italy is offering a:
Summer School in 'The Civilian Personnel of Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding
Operations' to be held in Pisa.*
Key details
*Dates*: 4 - 16 July 2011
*New application deadline*: 18April 2011, 12.00 CET.
*Course fee*: 1250,00 (one thousand two hundreds and fifty) Euros
*Working language*: English
*Number of Participants*: 30
*List of successful applicants*: uploaded on this web-site page the 27 April
This course is designed to train participants to work more effectively in
field missions by enhancing their professional and personal capacities.
Particular attention will be devoted to introduce them to the specific
context of peace support operations, and to strengthen their ability to work
in the field as human rights officers and electoral observers.
To improve participants' personal preparation to serve in the field, classes
on safety and security (mine awareness, appropriate behaviour in case of
hostage taking, shooting, etc.), stress management, preventive medicine and
hygiene, intercultural understanding, will be held.
Training methodologies will include seminars, lectures, role-playing
sessions and simulations.
The Summer School has been approved by *UNITAR POCI *as one of the classroom
courses you can choose to attend for the purpose of obtaining the *Certificate
of Training in United Nations Peace Support Operations* (COTIPSO)
For more information visit
*Application procedure
Applications shall be submitted online at: **,
**no later **than* *18th April 2011*. The selection process covers an
assessment of the applicants’ qualifications, based on criteria
indicated inthe Course Call for applications.
*Contact person:*
Pasqualetta Campus
telephone number: +39 050 88.26.85
fax: +39 050 88.26.65
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