Chủ Nhật, 31 tháng 7, 2011

Post-doc fellows, Zentrum Moderner Orient, Humboldt University Berlin [DL: 15 September 2011]‏

5 Research Positions (2 year fixed term) at Zentrum Moderner Orient from 1 January 2012

Post-Doctoral Fellow

Zentrum Moderner Orient (ZMO) is an independent centre for interdisciplinary research on the history, societies and cultures of the Middle East, Africa, Central, South and Southeast Asia, and Europe. The focus is on influences, perspectives and connections of the south, notably of Muslims and their neighbours. The centre currently employs about 35 research fellows, the majority of them historians, students of Islam and anthropologists, from a variety of countries.

Within its research programme „Muslim Worlds �" World of Islam? Concepts, Practices and Crises of the Global", ZMO announces the opening of five research positions for PhD holders who will be expected to reside in Berlin. They should situate their work within the research programme of ZMO (see and be prepared to contribute actively to the overall programme of the Centre in addition to pursuing their personal project.

ZMO wishes to particularly encourage applications with a regional focus on Africa and Southeast Asia. In addition to the disciplines already represented at ZMO, we encourage specialists from other disciplines such as Sociology, Cultural Geography and Economic History/Economic Anthropology to apply. Working language at ZMO is English.

Applications including a CV and a project outline (max. 5 pages) and a letter of recommendation by the PhD advisor should be sent until September 15 to Dr. Silke Nagel at Zentrum Moderner Orient, Kirchweg 33, D-14129 Berlin. Remuneration will be according to Tarif des öffentlichen Dienstes (TvöD, German public sector pay scale), grade 13 (


For further information on ZMO and its programme see or contact Mrs Nagel Applications should not contain any original materials, as the documents will not be returned.

Alexander Rave Foundation Scholarships [DL: 15 September 2011]‏

Alexander Rave Foundation Scholarships

Scholarship / Financial aid: a monthly lump sum of 1,300 euros

Deadline: 15 September 2011

Open to: curators, restorers, museum technicians, cultural managers

Announcement follows

Target group
• Curators
• Restorers
• Museum technicians
• Cultural managers
from transforming and developing countries

• A monthly lump sum of 1,300 euros for a scholarship period of three to six months
• Travelling expenses (to and from Germany)
• Supplement for attendence of spouse in Germany
• Children's supplement
• Health insurance (also for spouse and children)
• German course (participation in a language course is expected)

• Applicant must be from a country in transition or a developing country and must still be living there
• Hitherto no opportunity yet to work in Germany for an extended period of time
• Completion of professional study or training within the last five years
• Younger than 40 years old
• Applicant must no longer be studying or involved in on-the-job training
• Confirmation (in German) from a partner institution in Germany which has agreed to take on the scholar or initiate a joint project
• A reference from the applicant’s country of origin
• Knowledge of either German or English
• Basic Knowledge of German expected
• Applicants who were rejected once cannot re-apply

Selection procedure
• The Rave Foundation committee will assess all applications
• There is no recourse to legal action regarding the awarding of a scholarship
• Applicants will be informed in writing about whether their application was successful or not. No reasons will be given for the committee’s decision

Application documents
1. CV (max. 2 pages), including educational qualifications
2. Outline of the planned project in Germany (1 page)
3. Consent (in German) from a non-commercial German institution in which the applicant will work during the scholarship period in Germany
4. A letter of reference from the applicant's home country
5. An abridged report (max. 2 pages) on the current state of the arts scene in the home country

Application dates
Application date for scholarships is 15 September each year. Selections will be made within 3 months. Applications may be sent via e-mail or post. Should the application be sent via e-mail the original letter of consent and the original letter of reference should still be handed in by post later.

Applications are to be submitted to:
Rave Foundation
c/o Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen
Charlottenplatz 17
D-70173 Stuttgart
Fax +49.711.2225194

The Experience of Cohabited Space, University of Rostock, 14-17 July 2012 [DL: 15 August 2011]‏

The Experience of Cohabited Space - Representations of
Contested Areas in Text, Cinema and Sound, 1920-50. An
International Interdisciplinary Conference, jointly organised
by Centre of European and International Studies at the
University of Portsmouth

“Cohabited space” is a useful term for defining complex social spaces. Often, however, it oversimplifies the experience of different ethnic and social groups living together in a shared environment, and ignores the numerous tensions arising from the condition of multi-ethnicity within a limited territory. The margins or boundaries of settlement have always been acutely at issue. Besides being real spaces - countries, ghettos, cantons �" there are cultural spaces too, which are fought over at the level of discourse and style and which are produced by authors and artists with varying degrees of autonomy.

We think the time is ripe to address these issues, but with a very precise historical focus. Much has been written lately about the ideology of the Diaspora, but for the most part debates have been given a very contemporary spin. This conference will look specifically at the consequences of the disintegration of the multinational empires after the First World War, and the rise of discrete or emergent cultures who found themselves without a home, and who attempted to fashion one from various materials. The diasporic imagination, which resides in a landscape of regret and yearning, is firmly located in historical determinants, and it is one of the tasks of this conference to begin to sketch those out.

Although there have been an increasing number of studies in recent years on the experience of twentieth century migration and diasporas, the coverage of cohabited space and its possible research landscape is still very patchy. While both migrant communities and their agents and institutions have been the subject of major studies and conferences, the role of their textual representation during the various stages of reorientation in the new environment, although of vital importance for the academic enquiry, has so far been neglected. As time went on, notably in the mid 1920s, the new audiovisual media of sound recording and cinema dealt with forward looking emotions such as yearning and expectancy, but were even more preoccupied with nostalgia, homesickness and the dilemmas of coping in a new environment, whether seen from a humorous or dramatic angle.

Obviously, the collapse of stable notions of national identity was much more acutely experienced in some countries than in others. The conference wants to invite discussion of these differences, asking, for example, why some countries developed a much more complex and coherent diasporic sub-culture than others. Why were minority groups able to gain status and cultural power in some countries and not in others? Which media facilitated their expression, and which hindered it?

There are real spaces, and there are imagined spaces, and the latter exert tremendous power. In this conference, we want to try to move towards mapping out that landscape of desire and regret which characterizes diasporic cultures in this early period. To do this, we might need to draw sharp distinctions between countries and periods, and indeed media. The cultural task undertaken by the press, for example, might be radically different from the cinema.

Papers may address:
• the spatial formation of contested areas, and the way in which they were represented
• the transatlantic dimension of migrant passage
• the transformation from province to urbanity
• cultural varieties of nostalgia
• film production and minority groups

Please submit abstracts of proposed papers or proposals for panels, together with a list of relevant publications and a CV of no more than half an A4 page to include recent employment history and current post. Abstracts should not exceed 300 words for papers or one A4 page for panel proposals. On all e-mail correspondence please include "Cohabited Space" in the subject line. Please submit these not later than 15 August 2011 (deadline). The conference languages will be English and German.

Please direct all correspondence to

ECMI Vacancy announcement‏

The European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI) invites applications for
two positions as Project Research Associate within the field of
"Minority Studies". Minority Studies at ECMI cover research on national
and ethnic autochtonous minority issues in Europe. 

For full details please see the following page:

14th South-East European Summer School for Democracy, Belgrade 19-23 September 2011

The Fourteenth South-East European Summer School 
for Democracy
EU Perspective of the Western Balkans: 
Challenges and Opportunities
to be held in Belgrade, Serbia 
from 19th till 23rd September 2011
The School is organized by the Hellenic Observatory and LSEE (LSE Research on South East Europe) of the London School of Economics and Political Science and the Anglo-Serbian Society, Belgrade
The Co‑Directors of the School are: Prof. Vukasin Pavlovic, Faculty of Political Science, Belgrade and Dr. Spyros Economides, Hellenic Observatory/LSEE, LSE, London.
The School's Council is composed of two co-directors and additional five members: Prof. Margaret Blunden, former Provost of the University of Westminster, Prof. Vojislav Stanovcic, member of the Serbian Academy, Prof. Christopher Coker, London School of Economics, Prof. Kevin Featherstone, Hellenic Observatory/LSE and Prof. Slobodan G. Markovich, Executive Director of the Summer School.
The Background of the Idea
The School was established in 1998 and was originally organised by the Faculty of Political Science of the University of Belgrade and the University of Westminster. This annual summer school has been held since 1998. The School was originally called The Yugoslav-British Summer School for Democracy, but was later re-named The International Summer School for Democracy. Due to the repressive Bill on Education enacted during the reign of former Yugoslav dictator Slobodan Milosevic, the School was placed under organisational control of the Anglo-Yugoslav Society and the Centre for the Study of Democracy, who directed it from 1999. The AYS and the CSD co-organised the Summer School till 2007. In 2004 the Anglo-Yugoslav Society changed its name to the Anglo-Serbian Society. Since 2005 scholars from LSE have lectured at the School and since 2008 the School has been co-organised by the Hellenic Observatory (and later with LSEE as well)  of the London School of
Economics and the Anglo-Serbian Society under a new name and a modified format.
                                   (CIVIL SOCIETY AND GOOD GOVERNANCE),
                                               EASTERN EUROPE,
The 2011 course is: EU Perspective of the Western Balkans: Challenges and Opportunities 
The Mission of the School
- To improve junior faculty skills in modern democratic theory and European studies;
- To create networks of young scholars, political and NGO activists in SEE dealing with democratic theory and European studies;
- To analyse conditions and possibilities for democratic social changes, especially in so‑called transition societies;
- To develop and promote academic exchange between Western universities, Serbia and SEE countries.
- To improve regional academic co-operation and to overcome mutual stereotypes and preconceptions.
Participants and Lecturers
The main target group of participants are junior faculty, young political and NGO activists. There will be up to 30 participants altogether. Fifteen participants are to be selected from Serbia and an equal number will come from elsewhere in the region of South-Eastern Europe (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Hellenic Republic, (F.Y.R.) Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania and Slovenia). Participants should have at the very least a BA degree, and preferably an MA degree in the social sciences or humanities. All other nationals are welcome to apply but the organisers can contribute only partially to their transportation costs.
            All accommodation costs and all transportation costs within the region of SEE for selected participants are covered by the Summer School through donations.
The course lecturers (resource persons) are professors and associates from the Hellenic Observatory/LSEE of the London School of Economics, from the University of Westminster, the University of Belgrade and occasionally professors from other SEE countries, Western Europe, and the United States.
1. The strengthening of existing networks from previous schools and the creation of new networks of critically oriented, open-minded individuals from the field of social sciences endeavoring to contribute to the process of democratization and European integration in SEE both theoretically and practically.
2. Dissemination of democratic theory among young political leaders, junior scholars and NGO activists in the region of SEE, thus facilitating the consolidation of democracies in the region. 
3. Promotion of Euro-Atlantic integration.
The School was initiated during the authoritarian rule of Slobodan Milosevic, and has always endeavoured to foster regional co-operation and keep Serbian and SEE political and NGO activists and young scholars open to experiences and practices of Euro-Atlantic community. It was established at a time when Serbia faced xenophobia and ethnic hatred and this was an effort to overcome such attitudes. In the meantime the School has been developed into an active promoter of democratic values and tolerance in the region of SEE and it has become a regional Balkan School open to participants from other European countries as well.
Time and Place
The School lasts one week and is organized in Belgrade from September 5, till September 11. 
-          Prof. Margaret Blunden, Formerly Provost at the University of Westminster
-          Prof. Christopher Coker, London School for Economics and Political Science
-          Dr. Spyros Economides, Hellenic Observatory, LSEE, LSE
-          Dr. James Ker Lindsay, LSEE, LSE
-          Dr William Bartlett, LSEE, LSE
-          Prof. Slobodan G. Markovich, Faculty of Political Science, Belgrade
-          Prof. Vukasin Pavlovic, Vice-Dean at the Faculty of Political Science, Belgrade
-          Ms. Sonja Licht, President of the Belgrade Fund for Political Excellence
-          Dr. Eric Beckett Weaver, University of Debrecen 
There will be three morning lectures every day from 10.00 till 13.30 with a lunch break till 15.00. In the afternoon times Afternoon Workshops will be held from 15.00 till 17.00. 
All lectures are divided in half-an-hour to 45-minute introductions to the topic and the remaining time is dedicated to debates and questions for the lecturers. 
Afternoon Workshops
All the selected participants are expected to prepare either a short presentation (15 minutes long) or an essay (3-5 pages) dealing with one of the following topics:
-          How do EU prospects or lack of such prospects affect democratization and transformation of my native country (for nationals coming from the Western Balkans only)
-          European perspective as a tool for stabilization of aspirant and candidate countries  
-          How could enlargement fatigue affect the region economically
Presentations and essays can be either descriptive or analytical depending on preferences. 
For presentations all technical equipment is available including: power point presentations, over-head projector and flip charts.
The organizers will attempt to publish those essays that can be upgraded to good-quality papers in the South-Slav Journal.
Accommodation and Transportation
The Summer School will be held in a centrally located hotel in Belgrade (accommodation is in double rooms) in the very heart of Belgrade, Serbia, based on half-board. There are lunches for all participants organised in down town restaurants.
The organisers will cover adequate transportation costs to Belgrade from the region. Travel costs of applicants applying outside of the region of SEE may only partially be covered, but applicants from countries outside of SEE are very welcome to apply.
Arrival Day 
All the participants should arrive to Belgrade on Sunday, September 18, 2011, in afternoon or evening hours. 
Rooms in Hotel in down town Belgrade are double. The hotel is situated in the very heart of down town Belgrade.
Departure Day
All the participants should depart from Belgrade on Friday evening (September 23)
 IMPORTANT NOTE: All the participants are expected to attend all the lectures. Organisers are not in a position to offer places to participants who will be able to attend only part of lectures or who will not be in a position to be present at the summer school during its whole duration.
VISA REGIME: Nationals of the EU countries and EEA, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Albania do not need visas for Serbia. 
Applications may be sent in the period from July 26, till August 12, 2011
By August 14, 2011 the Selection Committee will have selected applicants.
Selected applicants will receive e-mails and will be asked to confirm their participation and will be informed what transportation costs the organisers can cover. After confirming their participation they will receive official letters of invitation.
1. Applicants should have at the very least a BA degree, and preferably an MA or PhD degree in social sciences or humanities. Applicants without completed BA degrees will not be taken into consideration.
Applicants should be researchers or lecturers. They can also be political or NGO   leaders in their community (provided that they have at least a BA degree) 
2. All participants should be proficient in English since all the lectures are in English.
3. Participants should preferably be nationals or residents of SEE countries or other neighbouring countries. Nationals of other countries can also apply but the organisers can not guarantee that they will be able to cover all their travel costs.
All transportation and accommodation costs for selected participants from SEE are covered by sponsors of ISSD.
All prospective applicants are expected:
1.               To send their CVs. 
2.               To send a short letter of motivation explaining in up to two hundred words why they wish to be participants of the School
3.               To send a letter of recommendation written by a university lecturer or a researcher.
4.               To fill in the application form available at

All the applications should be sent in digital form only to:
Ms. Milica Bogdanovic,
Programme Co-ordinator 
phone: +381-11-3629-734
fax: +381-11-2686-471
Address: Kraljice Natalije 21,
11 000 Belgrade, Serbia

EASP Summer School, University of Limerick, Ireland, 6-19 August 2012‏

EASP Summer School
University of Limerick, Ireland

6th - 19th of August 2012

The Department of Psychology and the Centre for Social Issues Research at the University of Limerick, Ireland, are organizing the next EASP Summer School from the 6th to the 19th of August 2012.

Description and History of the EASP Summer Schools

The Summer Schools of the European Association of Social Psychology have a long tradition dating back to 1967, and are currently run on a two-year basis. The EASP Summer School is a key activity of the Association, providing an excellent opportunity for junior researchers to interact and develop research projects in collaboration with senior researchers and colleagues from across Europe and elsewhere. The summer school runs for 2 weeks, providing a setting for interactive small group teaching and discussions, within 5 different workshops. Over the years, the EASP Summer Schools gained the worthy reputation of being the origin of long lasting, creative and valuable networks of academics in the field of social psychology. Please visit the EASP website for more information:

The previous EASP Summer School took place on the island of Aegina, Greece, in 2010, and was organized by Professor Xenia Chryssochoou, in collaboration with the Department of Psychology of Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, and the Municipality of Aegina, Greece. Click here for more information on the 2010 EASP Summer School:

The European Bulletin of Social Psychology (Volume 22, No. 2, December 2010) contains detailed reports on the outcomes of the 2010 Summer School ( ).

Location of the 2012 EASP Summer School:

The 2012 EASP Summer School will be hosted on the beautiful campus of the University of Limerick, on the banks of the River Shannon. Click here to get a glimpse of the UL campus:

Students will be offered accommodation in one of the residential villages on campus.>

We will use the university facilities for the workshops and other events of the Summer School, while planning to explore the world outside the campus for both academic and leisure purposes.

Online Course, Introduction to Feminist Methodolgy Research [DL: 31/08/2011]‏

Programme (more information soon)

1- From the debates of science's object/subject to the definition of
feminists methodologies by Barbara Biglia (Universitat Rovira i

2- Feminist biology by Lynda Birke (University of Chester)

3- In the Space of Feminist Work: the movement between qualitative
research, art and film by Nirmal Puwar (To be confirmed) (Goldsmiths
College, University of London)

4- Deconstructing immigration: discourse analysis on intersections
between gender, class and racism by Ilana Mountain (Universidade
Federal de Minas Gerais and Manchester Metropolitan University)

5- Feminist Research and Activism: Possibilities an d Challenges by
Alexandra Zavos (Panteion University)

This module addresses the topic of activist research as a
methodological approach informed by feminist and post-structuralist
theory, as well as discourse analysis. Some of the key issues which we
will consider in our exploration of activist research include:
positionality, interpellation and performativity; reflexivity and
(intellectual) autobiography; co-construction as a political and
representational practice; accountability and feminist politics of
alliance. Working with key texts as well as our own reflexive accounts
of activist and/or research experiences, we will try to address the
intersections between epistemological debates, affective engagements
and political practices, which are at the heart of this approach.

ISVS-6 Sixth International Seminar on Vernacular Settlements, Famagusta, North Cyprus, 19-21 April 2012

The International Seminar on Vernacular Settlements (ISVS) is pleased to announce the ISVS-6; the sixth ISVS Conference in Famagusta, hosted by the Eastern Mediterranean University, North Cyprus between the dates 19-21 April, 2012. 

ISVS aims to promote awareness and research on vernacular traditions by organizing seminars focused on important aspects of vernacular every two years in specifically chosen places across the globe. The last seminar, ISVS-5 held in Colombo, Sri Lanka focused on Vernacular Futures provided a great opportunity to explore the future of the vernacular traditions resulting in a suggestion that the survival and continuity of vernacular traditions may lie in ordinary informal buildings which are usually not regarded as vernacular. Building upon this insight, ISVS-6 in 2012 is delighted to lead the debate on vernacular traditions of contemporary societies and their building and settlement forms which display the same characteristics of the conventionally conceptualized 'vernacular'. This does not mean that the 'historical vernacular' is out of the conference scope. Instead juxtaposition of 'historical vernacular' and the 'contemporary vernacular' is expected to be explored in such a way that the nuances of their makings, and relevance in today's world could be understood thoroughly.

Under this scope, ISVS-6 is delightfully announced on the theme - 'Contemporary Vernaculars: Places, Processes and Manifestations' - to incite and welcome interdisciplinary scholars and practitioners from around the world working in the disciplines of architecture, art & architectural history, urban studies, city & regional planning, cultural studies, anthropology, sociology and environmental studies for proposing papers and meeting in North Cyprus in April 2012. ISVS-6 also expects to attract young researchers involved in postgraduate studies on contemporary vernaculars and offers a scientific platform to present and discuss their hypothesis and arguments, understandings and approaches, and methods and models with the scholars participating in the seminar. 

Please, note that submision of abstracts for all sessions is before 30th September, 2011. Once approved by the end October, final papers are due on 30th January 2012.

ISVS considers publication and expansion of knowledge and experiences on Vernacular traditions as one of its key objectives. With this purpose in mind, ISVS-6 has negotiated with the prestigious OPEN HOUSE INTERNATIONAL (Vol 37, No. 3 September Issue, 2012), journal to publish 3 selected papers which will meticulously deal with the themes of ISVS-6. Once chosen, the authors of the selected papers may have some revisions to be made upon the suggestions of journal's editorial board.

The venue of ISVS-6, Cyprus is the third largest island in the Mediterranean Sea and houses different building traditions; testimony to rich living patterns and complex interactions between different Mediterranean communities and cultures over successive generations from Asia Minor, the Middle East, Africa and Europe for three millennia. Evidently, natural and built environments strongly reflect this cultural complexity of the island. As the home of several civilizations and different geographic characteristics, the vernacular architecture of Cyprus undeniably exhibits a variety of building forms and traditions. However, they are now struggling to survive under the present day circumstances as in other parts of the world in different ways and modes on which this conference will focus. The conference participants will have a unique opportunity to visit and experience for themselves some of the unique vernacular traditions, and built forms of North Cyprus in the company of those who care and cherish those traditions.

We invite you to send your abstract for a paper presentation and join us in North Cyprus in April 2012 for an enjoyable and unique opportunity to explore the vernacular of the contemporary world.

For more details and abstract submissions please visit the seminar web-page:,

European Regional Master's Degree in Democracy and Human Rights in South East Europe, Bologna/Sarajevo


Sarajevo - Bologna
A.Y. 2011-2012

The European Regional Master’s Degree in Human Rights and Democracy in South East Europe (ERMA) is an intensive one-year Master programme established through the joint efforts of the participating universities and coordinated by the Universities of Sarajevo and Bologna. At present it is in its tenth year of implementation. The Programme is co-financed by the European Commission and the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

In the a.y 2011/2012 ERMA shall be implemented as a double degree programme: one diploma will be issued by the University of Sarajevo and one by the University of Bologna.

The Master Programme bears 60ECTS and is structured in three terms/two semesters �" I) November 2011 �" June 2012: Lecturing period at the University of Sarajevo (semester I); II) June �" July 2012: Internship work across South East Europe and III) September �" October 2012: Master’s Theses writing-up period at the University of Bologna (semester II). The teaching activities involve renowned Faculty members coming from more than 25 European and other countries. Internships take place at various regional NGOs, IGOs, think-tanks and research institutes dealing with issues of human rights and democracy in South East Europe. The third term is hosted by the University of Bologna Residential Centers in Italy.

Each academic year the Programme enrolls 30 students from the countries of South East Europe and the European Union. Starting from a.y.2011-2012 applications from the Caucasus and Russia shall also be accepted. The university degree of the applicants must be earned during studies lasting either 4 or 5 years within the former undergraduate studies provisions, or 5 years (3+2) within I and II cycle studies provisions in accordance with the Bologna process.


Interested candidates should submit the filled in application form and all other required documentation to the Center for Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Studies of the University of Sarajevo.

The Programme offers study grants to students coming from the target countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, Serbia, Macedonia, EU countries, Caucasus and Russia).

The application form and additional information on admission shall be available by the end of the day (22 July) at:

The deadline for the full application package to be RECEIVED is:

September 7, 2011

Mariana Hadzijusufovic

ERMA Coordinator

Center for Interdisciplinary

Postgraduate Studies

Zmaja od Bosne 8

71000 Sarajevo

Bosnia and Herzegovina



phone/fax: + 387 33 668 683

Call for Contributors: LSE IDEAS Balkania Blog

The Balkans International Affairs Programme at LSE IDEAS, the centre for
the study of diplomacy and strategy at the London School of Economics,
is seeking contributors for the Balkans section of LSE IDEAS Blog on
International Affairs. ( 
The Blog is intended to provide dispassionate analysis of current
diplomatic and strategic issues in the Balkans. The broad methodological
paradigm should be thought of as realist in its broadest sense: focused
on power, the state and the international system, but acknowledging
ideas and the internal characteristics of societies. We seek to analyse
the world as it is, not as we would like it to be. Fundamentally, the
blog is about international affairs: politics as opposed to history or
Posts should therefore deal with one or more of the following: 
* Foreign policies of states 
* The specific diplomatic impact of multilateral forums 
* The impact of external actors 
* Structural dynamics -economic, political, security 
* Internal forces as the impact upon international issues 
The Blog should not: 
* Be partisan 
* Be purely normative 
* Deal with questions of purely theoretical interest 
* Analyse purely domestic forces 
* Focus solely on cultural or "soft" factors. 
Posts length should be around 800-1300 words 
If you want to get involved, please write to
with a 50 word blurb about the title of the post you would like to
write. We will get back to you shortly.

LSE IDEAS Balkan International Affairs Programme

Please access the attached hyperlink for an important electronic communications disclaimer:

Otranto Legality Exprience - OLE2011 Summer camp and forum‏

The application for the new edition of OLE - Otranto Legality Exprience 2011 is 

Apply now, cause places are limited! --- go to www.ole2011.orgWHAT IS OLE?
Otranto Legality Experience is a unique opportunity to investigate issues 
related to the relationship between organised crime and globalisation, through 
workshops, seminars and discussions held by Italian and international speakers.

Organised by FLARE Network, the event is held from 5th to 11th of September 
The goal is to develop and set a benchmark in Europe for the role of civil 
society in combating transnational organised crime.
The 2010 edition of the event was attended by more than 60 speakers and more 
than 200 members. Media partners of the event were Current TV Italy,, La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno and Telenorba.
OLE is dedicated to the memory of Renata Fonte, killed by mafia on March 31, 
1984, and this year to the journalist Toni Fontana. The cultural coordintator of 
the event is Vittorio Agnoletto. 

OLE is made of two parts: the Summer Camp and the Forum. 
from 5th to 8th September
The summer camp is open to 200 participants. The aim is to examine and to 
attempt to identify what and how large the gray areas are in the workings of 
finance and economics and to suggest possible legal actions against people 
The four areas open for discussion and analysis at the 2011 event will be: 1) 
International organisations, 2) States, 3) Corporations 4) Civil society.
* Strategies to fight organised crime triggered by the European Union and 
international bodies: potential, constraints and proposals
* Legality and illegality in social relations, economic and financial relations 
between the European Union and the countries of North Africa with a focus on 
process migration and trafficking in human beings
* The business of energy between mafias, transnational corporations and states

From 9th to 11th September
The 2011 edition of the summer camp will follow a public forum open to all, with 
meetings, debates, cultural events on issues of globalisation, social justice 
and finance. Participants include highly qualified speakers from different 
regions of the world.
The title of the 2011 event is Illegal Economy, Mafias and Financial 
Globalisation, aimed at civil society, public administration and all 
stakeholders. The forum also provides an opportunity for visibility of civil 
society organisations, national and international presence through stands and 
Participation fee:- FLARE members: no participation fee
- FLARE21 members: 50 eur
- others: 250 eur

Thứ Ba, 19 tháng 7, 2011

Fellowships a the Wilson Center, Washington DC‏

The Wilson Center invites scholars, practitioners, journalists and public intellectuals to take part in its flagship Fellowship Program and to take advantage of the opportunity to engage actively in the Center’s national mission. The Center awards approximately 22-25 residential fellowships through its annual international fellowship competition. Fellows will be affiliated with one of the Wilson Center programs/projects and are encouraged to interact with policy makers in Washington, D.C. as well as with Wilson Center staff who are working on similar research and topics.


_Citizens or permanent residents from any country (foreign nationals must be able to hold a valid passport and obtain a J1 Visa)
_Men and women with outstanding capabilities and experience from a wide variety of -backgrounds (including government, the corporate world, professions, and academia)
_Academic candidates holding a Ph.D. (Ph.D. must be received by the application deadline of October 1)
_Academic candidates demonstrating scholarly achievement by publications beyond their doctoral dissertations
_Practitioners or policymakers with an equivalent level of professional achievement
_English proficiency as the Center is designed to encourage the exchange of ideas among its fellows


_Applicants working on a degree (even if the degree is to be awarded prior to the proposed fellowship year)
_Proposals of a partisan or advocacy nature
_Primary research in the natural sciences
_Projects that create musical composition or dance
_Projects in the visual arts
_Projects that are the rewriting of doctoral dissertations
_The editing of texts, papers, or documents
_The preparation of textbooks, anthologies, translations, and memoirs

Notes on Eligibility

You do not need an institutional affiliation to apply. For most academic candidates, a book or monograph is required. Scholars and practitioners who previously held research awards or fellowships at the Wilson Center are not precluded from applying for a fellowship. However, the nature and recency of the prior award may be among the factors considered during the selection process, and by the Fellowships Committee of the Board of Trustees.

If you have questions regarding your eligibility or the suitability of your project, please e-mail the Scholar Administration Office at

Fellows’ Responsibilities

The Center’s "scholars in residence" are so in both name and fact. Fellows are expected to work from their offices at the Center and to participate in appropriate meetings organized by the Center. Fellows are also expected to present their research at our informal internal Work-in-Progress seminars, and to attend the Work-in-Progress presentations given by their colleagues. In addition, fellows are encouraged to make a more formal presentation to the public such as a colloquium, seminar, workshop, or other form of meeting. The Center expects all fellows to seek ways to share their expertise with the Washington policy community. The form of such interaction could range from a deep background briefing for an executive branch agency to an informal roundtable discussion with members of Congress and their staffs.

The Center tries to ensure that the stipend provided under the fellowship, together with the fellow’s other sources of funding (e.g., grants secured by the applicant and sabbatical allowances), approximate a fellow’s regular salary. Stipends provided in recent years have ranged from $26,000 to $85,000 (the maximum possible). Stipends include round trip travel for fellows. If spouses and/or dependent children will reside with the fellow for the entire fellowship period, money for their travel will also be included in the stipend. In addition to stipends, the Center provides 75 percent of health insurance premiums for fellows who elect Center coverage and for their accompanying family members.


University of Bologna Master's MIREES

Following our presentation letter of the international Master�s degree
in *Interdisciplinary
research and studies on Eastern Europe (MIREES)* jointly offered by the
University of Bologna (Faculty of Political Science �Roberto Ruffilli�)
together with Vytautas Magnus University at Kaunas, Corvinus University of
Budapest, Saint Petersburg State University, and the cooperation of the
University of Ljubljana, I would like to remind you that the next deadline
to apply is *September 19th, 2011* and it is reserved only to EU students
and non-EU students with equivalent status.

More detailed information on the teaching plan, admission procedure, and
financial aid can be found at our website:<>where
the call for application has been regularly published.

I am pleased to inform you that at the following link it is possible to view
the video recently created by MIREES students:<>

MIREES is also on facebook, at the following address:<>

Thank you very much for your kind attention and cooperation.

Yours Sincerely,

Prof. Stefano Bianchini

* Director, Master of Arts MIREES
University of Bologna

Thứ Hai, 18 tháng 7, 2011

Country representatives of Mladiinfo network in CEE and SEE‏‏

all for Country representatives of Mladiinfo network in CEE and SEE‏

Deadline: 12 August 2011
>Open to: All interested people from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech republic, Poland,
Hungary, Kosovo, Romania, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia
Mladiinfo ( ) is not only a link for free education
but a youth initiative and opportunity for a youth movement toward
changes in your country. Everybody needs to know about the Mladiinfo as
web platform/project/network. We need people that can promote our
mission and idea and also to coordinate things in their city/country.
Skills like writing, social media, marketing, graphic design,
journalism, project management, enthusiasm and courage are needed to
spread the word of the Mladiinfo initiative in as many places in Europe
as possible.

Do you
* Want to promote Mladiinfo in your city and/or country?
* Want to speak in public about the Mladiinfo Initiative?
* Have good social skills and are you confident and enthusiastic when you speak to people?
* Have organized (small) events/projects before and want to become more experienced in non-profit sector?
* Want to make the Mladiinfo branch in your country?
* Live in the following countries: Albania, Bosnia and
Herzegovina, Serbia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech republic, Poland, Hungary, Kosovo, Romania, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia
What you will be doing
* Disseminate Mladiinfo news in your country/social networks
* Inform us about links/events/news and interesting websites in your country
* Increase the profile of Mladiinfo in your country
* Develop the Mladiinfo community in your country
* Form or join a team of people that can help each other to execute the tasks involved
* Organize activities that fit within the theme of the Initiative ( education, volunteering, exchanges..)
* Work together with other team members, coordinators and volunteers that can help you accomplish your goals
* Work to unite youth in your city/country who have been studied aboard and want to share their experience with others
* Propose projects, identify partnerships and highlight funding opportunities in your country
* Get the local government(s), foundations, donors interested and
support in any form (money, publicity, manpower, knowledge, etc.)
What can we offer? (position is unpaid)
* If you become Country representative, you can come on our Network meeting in Macedonia in October 2011 for free
* As Country representative, you join the other planned meetings in 2012 for free, which are on a regular basis in one of the home towns of the
Mladiinfo network members. We try to refund travel costs as much as we
* You get to work on a challenging, international project which will stand out on your resume
* You get to meet new people from across Europe and beyond that extend your network, something that can be very powerful in your future career
* The opportunity to come to our events around Europe and meet other coordinators
* To meet with policy makers and stakeholders through participation in Mladiinfo events
* You work with a friendly team of people who put their heart in the project and will embrace you as one of them
* E-mail and Skype support when necessary from Mladiinfo Team members
* You will be officially announced as Country representative in the Network section of Mladiinfo web page
Do you recognize yourself in this and are you interested in this position? If you are interested in becoming a Mladiinfo country representative,
please send your CV and motivation letter up to August 12th ,2011 on
Read more:

Regional Research Promotion Programme in the Western Balkans‏

Regional Research Promotion
Programme in the Western Balkans has opened a Call for Regional Research
Project with deadline for submission on 19 September 2011.

Call info and important details can be found at our website:

For any questions or doubts don't hesitate to contact us at

CEU Political Science Journal vol. 6, no. 4 (DL: 01.09)‏

Call for Papers
Vol. 6, No. 4 (December 2011)

CEU PSJ accepts now submissions for its December 2011 issue. Manuscripts from
Political Science and related fields are welcome. Authors should ensure that
their submissions are original contributions and should not be under
consideration for any other publication at the same time. Full guidelines for
the presentation of the papers are available at the guidelines for submission
section from the website (

All submitted articles are subject to a rigorous peer review process, based
on initial editor screening and double-blind refereeing by a minimum of two

Authors should send their articles to before 1 September
Further enquiries should be sent to the editorial board at

Hate and Political Discourse, Journal of Hate Studies‏

Deadline: March 15, 2012
"Hate and Political Discourse"
Journal of Hate Studies
Volume X, No. 1 (2012/13)
Guest Editor: Robert L. Tsai, J.D., Professor of Law, American University,
Washington College of Law

About the Theme

Often shielded by constitutional rules and nurtured by political
discourse, hate has a mercurial existence in the popular imagination. In
the "arena of angry minds," as Richard Hofstadter called American
political life, political actors sometimes choose to condemn hatred,
distance themselves from it, appeal to its existence, or foment it.

Even when subjugation, discrimination, or violence is not the goal, the
politics of hate can pay off. Rather than seeking its total eradication,
many democracies assume the permanence of hate and seek to minimize its
excesses or to punish and prohibit specific expressions. Are such
assumptions well-founded, and such strategies wise? Some of the social
groups marked through the techniques of hatred have changed over time, as
the political dividends for resorting to strategies of hate have shifted,
while other groups seem to be consistent targets of hate.

Technological advances offer new tools to combat hatemongering even as
they can make demagogues more effective. What are the structural
conditions that allow hate to thrive or might permit its isolation? How
might inroads be made in the law or politics of inclusion, especially in
countries with strong commitments to rhetorical freedom and popular

Call for Submissions

The Journal of Hate Studies welcomes original papers treating the theme,
"Hate and Political Discourse," from a wide range of disciplines,
including history, law, philosophy, political science, sociology, criminal
justice, social psychology, economics, anthropology, geography,
journalism, communications, rhetoric, literature, educational studies, and
cultural studies.

We especially encourage original treatments of the following topics:
• Hate and popular sovereignty
• How hate can foster alternative communities and movements
• Cultural foundations of hate
• Historical changes in rhetorical strategies
• Political parties and hate
• Necessary political conditions for hate
• Empirical approaches to the problem of hate
• The role of hate in nation-building
• How literature, rhetoric, journalism or other forms of communication can
fuel or discourage hate
• Geographical differences in how hatred is sustained or combated
• Comparative approaches and cross-cultural challenges
• New technologies in combating or fomenting hatred in the realm of
political discourse

We anticipate hosting an invitational Symposium in Fall 2012, either at
American University or Gonzaga University, in conjunction with the
publication of this Volume. Authors published in this Volume would be
invited to present their work at the Symposium.

About the Journal

The Journal of Hate Studies is a peer-reviewed publication of the Gonzaga
University Institute for Hate Studies. The Journal of Hate Studies is an
international scholarly journal promoting the sharing of interdisciplinary
ideas and research relating to the study of what hate is, where it comes
from, and how to combat it. It presents cutting-edge essays, theory, and
research that deepen the understanding of the development and expression
of hate.

Guidelines for Submissions

Submissions are typically expected to be between 5,000 and 10,000 words.
Submissions may be made in either of the following ways:
• As an attachment sent by email to
• Through the Journal's online site

Submissions should be made in MS Word format. Please do not submit PDFs.
Submissions should be presented in APA format, with endnotes rather than
footnotes. However, legal scholarship may be presented in Bluebook or
ALWD. More information about submission guidelines, the Journal of Hate
Studies, and the Gonzaga University Institute for Hate Studies can be
found at

Post-Soviet Postcolonialism, 'East/West' journal‏

The Kowalsky Eastern Ukrainian Institute (Kharkiv, Ukraine) invites you to
take part in the publishing project

"Neo-Anti-Colonialism vs. Neo-Imperialism: Relevance of Postcolonialism in
Post-Soviet Space"

devoted to the discussion of anti-colonial, postcolonial, colonial, and
imperial discourses in Eastern and Central Europe, and Eurasia.

The outcome of the project will be a publication of a special issue of the
interdisciplinary scholarly journal "East/West" by the end of 2012.

The editorial board is seeking contributions related to the following issues:
* "communication vessels": relationships between (former) metropolis and
(former) colonies;
* compensatory policy: a "privilege" of being traumatized and a tendency
towards compensation;
* problem of responsibility in postcolonial societies: elites,
provincialism, xenophobia;
* actualization of "protective nationalism" as a response to the external
aggression and the new wave of colonization;
* challenges of the cultural policy development (language, publishing,
education, re-writing schoolbooks, mass media etc.);
* issues of generation gap: generations born in the USSR versus those born
in the post-Soviet states (Ukraine, Russian Federation, Belarus etc.);
* postcolonial interpretation of relevant historical events, literary
texts, movies, museum exhibitions etc. is also accepted.

In the selection of materials the preference will be given to the texts
related to the regions of Eastern and Central Europe, and Eurasia.

We will accept scholarly articles, essays, and reviews of no more than
40,000 characters written in Ukrainian, Russian, Polish, English or German
together with a brief summary (abstract).

The materials are to be sent to:
Associate Editor: Dr. Gelinada Grinchenko:
Invited Editor: Dr. Tetyana Dzyadevych:

"East / West" Journal,
The Kowalsky Eastern Ukrainian Institute,
V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, 6 Svobody Square,
aud. 486, Kharkiv, 61077 Ukraine.
Phone number: +38 057 705 26 30

We would ask you to inform us of your intention to take part in the
project, and to briefly describe the theme of your contribution by January
10, 2012.

The final date for submitting materials to the editorial board is July 1,

PhD Grants for Foreign Students in International Doctoral Courses University of Padova, Italy‏

15 PhD Grants for Foreign Students in International Doctoral Courses
University of Padova, Italy

The University of Padova, through the funding of the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Padova e Rovigo, offers research fellowships for foreign students to attend Doctoral Schools/International Courses. During the 3-year doctoral programme, successful candidates will be offered full board and lodging.

Deadline: 5 September 2011

For the academic year 2011/2012 the Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy, offers 15 research fellowships for foreign students to attend Doctoral Schools/International Courses (see annex 1 for the list of doctoral schools and international doctoral courses and related research lines).
The duration of the doctoral courses is three years, starting on the 2nd January 2012 and ending on the 31st December 2014.

Each position will be covered by a scholarship of 13.638,47 euro per year (gross value), fully funded by Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Padova e Rovigo.
During the 3-year doctoral programme (2012-2014), the successful candidates will be offered full board and lodging at the ESU �" Azienda Regionale per il Diritto allo Studio Universitario. The connected charges will be covered by Università degli Studi di Padova through Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Padova e Rovigo.

Applicants are required to meet the following criteria in order to be eligible:
 To have foreign (non-Italian) citizenship;
 To have foreign (non-Italian) residence. Candidates must be in possession of this requirement within the deadline date.
 To have a foreign (non-Italian) academic qualification acknowledged as equivalent to the Diploma di Laurea/ Laurea Specialistica/Magistrale (at least four years of full time university education). The acknowledgement of the equivalence of the academic degree will be done by the relevant body of the Doctoral School/International Course, for the sole purpose of this competition.

Applications for the competition must be filled in exclusively through the online procedure available at: within 10.00 a.m. of the deadline date (5 September 2011).

The online form must be printed, signed and must arrive together with a copy of a valid ID at the following address by 5 September 2011 (deadline date):

Università degli Studi di Padova
Servizio Formazione alla Ricerca
via 8 febbraio, 2
35122 Padova, Italy

The amount of the scholarship is 13.638,47 € per year (gross amount).
The scholarship is subject to social security contribution.
The amount of the scholarship is increased by 50% for periods of study abroad excluding the official country of residence. For periods of study abroad students must have the approval of the Doctoral Council of the School/International Course.
Scholarships are paid by monthly instalments. The first instalment is paid the month following the actual beginning of the course.
Scholarships are subject to the general terms and conditions specified in annex 2.

Successful candidates will be exempted from paying attendance fees. The connected charges will be covered by the Università degli Studi di Padova through the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Padova e Rovigo.


Women and housing- Discussion‏

What are the main concerns facing women and their land and housing
rights in your country, or generally in Eastern Europe and Central
Asia? I would like to invite you to take part in an online discussion
on this topic, created by the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to
Adequate Housing. Please find more information about the project here:

You can join the discussion in several easy steps:

- Please register here:

- If you wish, you are welcome to introduce yourself here:

- Join the discussion and tell us what you think about women's land
and housing rights in your country, or generally Eastern Europe and
Central Asia:

The discussion is of limited duration so I'd like to urge you to
register soon and use this unique opportunity to express your concerns
(but also ideas and recommendations) directly to the Rapporteur and
other activists in this field.

Undergraduate Scholarships for International Students, Istanbul Sehir University, 2011-2012‏

Scholarships For International Students 2011-2012:

Greetings from Istanbul Sehir University,

International student admissions process to the undergraduate programs

of Istanbul Sehir University has started. Enclosed, you may find the

International Student Admissions Catalogue along with the poster of

the new admission period. The information and the call for the

application are also available on the web site:

The international degree students comprised 10% of the entire student

body in the 2010-2011 academic year and this percentage is expected to

reach 15% by the next academic year. To this end, in the 2011-2012

academic year, all international students admitted to the

undergraduate programs of Istanbul Sehir University will be on either

full or partial scholarships.

We would appreciate if you could pass this information to potentially

interested candidates around you.

Thank you in advance for helping us to make candidate students aware

of the opportunities offered by Istanbul Sehir University.


International Relations Office

Istanbul Sehir University

Kusbakisi Cad. No. 27, 34662 Altunizade/Uskudar


Tel 1: +90 216 5599042

Tel 2: +90 216 5599061

Fax: +90 216 474 53 53


Web site:

Twenty Years of Macedonian Independence, CRMP, Skopje, 8-10 September 2011

The Center for Research and Policy Making (CRPM) from Skopje, and the School of Public Policy "Mother Theresa" are organizing an international academic conference dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Macedonia titled 'Twenty Years of Macedonian Independence: economic, political and policy developments'. The conference will be held from 8 to 10th September 2011 and will include five panels covering various aspects of the political and social developments in Macedonia in the last twenty years. The
panels will focus around the following themes:

1) Twenty years of democratic development in Macedonia: politics and policies of democratization and consolidation
2) Nation-building / nation branding in Macedonia
3) Multicultural policies in Macedonia implications for the region and beyond
4) Macedonia and the EU: love at second sight
5) Twenty years of economic development in Macedonia: issues and challenges

We welcome paper proposals by academics, researchers, practitioners and doctoral students in the social and economic sciences and humanities. Applicants should submit a completed application package consisting of the following items:

a) 250-300 word abstract

b) short narrative biography [max 300 words] - please do not send long CVs

The abstract and the short narrative CV should be sent via email to by 1 August 2011. The successful applicants will be notified by mid August. The organizers will provide travel and accommodation grants under special conditions for the international participants.

Thứ Tư, 13 tháng 7, 2011

University of Macerata calls for Applications for PhD Scholarships at University of Macerata, Italy

PhD scholarship for international students in the fields of  Linguistic, Pholological,Literary and Historical- Archaeological Sciences,Law, Human sciences,Economic Management, Political and Social Sciences  at university of Macerata in Italy
Study Subject(s):Linguistic Pholological,Literary and Historical- Archaeological Sciences,Law, Human sciences,Economic Management, Political and Social Sciences
Course Level:PhD
Scholarship Provider: University of Macerata
Scholarship can be taken at: Italy
The selection is open to graduates, regardless of gender, age, religion or nationality, in possession of an Italian “laurea quadriennale” or “specialistica” or “magistrale” or equivalent foreign degree qualification of II level. In cases where the University degree of the candidate is not officially recognized as equivalent, his/her admission and possible enrolment will be conditional on the Giunta of SDA will rule on the validity of the degree qualification obtained abroad, for the sole purpose of allowing participation in the admission process. The selection is also open to candidates who do not already possess the required degree, provided that conferral takes place by October 31st, 2011. In this case, admission will be conditional, and the candidate will be required, under D.P.R. n. 445/00 art. 47, to present the degree certificate or a notarised copy before November 11th, 2011.
Scholarship Open for International Students: Yes

Scholarship Description: In addition to activities for the preparation of the final thesis, doctoral candidates are expected to participate in training activities organized by the SDA; besides, international mobility and activities common to near research fields are recommended. At least 25 scholarships will be awarded to the best doctoral candidates. The scholarship will be maintained for three years, passing the annual evaluation. The number of scholarship is supposed to increase due to financial support obtained from either private or public organizations. All of the scholarships will be awarded on selection criteria based on this call. The final number of scholarships will be available on the web site. Candidates without scholarship can be admitted too, in a number relating to the scholarships which will be assigned to each PhD course.
How to Apply: Online
Scholarship Application Deadline: by August 26th, 2011
Further Scholarship Information and Application

MA Studentships in the School of Journalism, Media and Communication at University of Central Lancashire, UK

University of Central Lancashire announced Studentships for Master study at the School of Journalism, Media and Communication, UK -2012
Study Subject(s): Modern and Contemporary English poetry, American Literature and Culture, Anglo-Irish Literature, The Renaissance
Course Level: Master’s
Scholarship Provider: University of Central Lancashire
Scholarship can be taken at: UK
You will require the ability to conduct sustained independent research. A good first degree (2:1 or above) in English literature or related subject in the field of cultural studies.
Scholarship Open for International Students: Yes
Scholarship Description: The School of Journalism, Media and Communication wishes to appoint two studentships for MA (by Research). The studentships are tenable for up to 1 year [subject to satisfactory progress]. The studentship will cover the cost of tuition fees for UK/EU residents. The successful applicants will start on 1 January 2012. International applicants may apply but will be expected to pay the difference between the UK/EU and International Fee Rate.
How to Apply: Online
Scholarship Application Deadline: 5 September, 2011
Further Scholarship Information and Application

2011 Call for Proposals for New Scholars Program, USA

Research grant Program for the early to mid-career women applicants in the field of Science funded  by Elsevier Foundation’s in USA-2011
Study Subject(s):Science
Course Level:Research
Scholarship Provider: The Elsevier Foundation’s
Scholarship can be taken at: USA
Eligibility:-Preference given to early to mid-career women applicants in the field of Science.
-An institutional framework for the advancement of women in science, as evidenced by a strategic plan, policy framework, leadership commitment and/or a program of related activities.
-Develop innovative program ideas.
-Create and promote collaborative networks across institutions and/or disciplines.
-Develop model programs that will encourage continued efforts to advance women in science.
-Promote partnerships and knowledge sharing among institutions, including between institutions in the developed and developing world.
-A willingness to draw from the expertise and experience of previous New Scholar grantees.
- Have specific plans for sustainability beyond the funding period.
Scholarship Open for International Students: No

Scholarship Description: The New Scholars Program supports projects to help early- to mid-career women scientists balance family responsibilities with demanding academic careers. New Scholars seeks to actively address the attrition rate of talented women scientists caused by work-life balance issues. The Foundation provides one, two and three year grants to STEM institutions and organizations actively working towards a more equitable academia.
How to Apply: Online
Scholarship Application Deadline: Later than September 1 2011
Further Scholarship Information and Application

SESAME- Lounsbery Foundation Training Fellowships in Europe or USA

Lounsbery Foundation announces fellowship for scientists from the SESAME region for research at an operational synchrotron in Europe or the USA -2011
Study Subject(s): Protein crystallography, infrared (IR) spectro-microscopy, X-ray Fluorescence/ X-ray Absorption Fine Structure and Powder Diffraction
Course Level: Training
Scholarship Provider: Lounsbery Foundation
Scholarship can be taken at: USA, Europe
Applicants may be scientists with less than 5 years of post-doctoral experience or pre-doctoral scientists who have completed at least the second year of their PhD and are working on their research project.
Scholarship Open for International Students: Yes
Scholarship Open for Students of Following Countries: Bahrain, Cyprus, Egypt, Iran, Israel, Jordan, Pakistan, Palestine Authority and Turkey
Scholarship Description: The Synchrotron-light for Experimental Science and Applications in Middle East (SESAME) in collaboration with the Richard Lounsbery Foundation USA , is pleased to announce travel and subsistence grants for scientists from the SESAME region (Bahrain, Cyprus, Egypt, Iran, Israel, Jordan, Pakistan, Palestine Authority and Turkey) wishing to carry out short-term research (30 days) at an operational synchrotron in Europe or the USA.
How to Apply: Online
Scholarship Application Deadline: August 1, 2011
Further Scholarship Information and Application

PhD Fellowship Programme for International Students at Universities in Turkey

Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey announced Fellowship Programme for PhD students for research in Turkey -2011
Study Subject(s): Natural Sciences, Engineering and Technological Sciences, Medical Sciences, Agricultural Sciences, Social Sciences and Humanities
Course Level: PhD
Scholarship Provider: TUBITAK-BIDEB
Scholarship can be taken at: Turkey
- be a non-Turkish citizen (people who have dual citizenship are not eligible)
- be under the age of 30 as of application deadline
- be accepted as a PhD student by a university in Turkey
- certify that he/she has sufficient command of language in which the PhD education will be pursued
- have not applied to this fellowship before
Scholarship Open for International Students: Yes
Scholarship Description: Grants in the fields of Natural Sciences, Engineering and Technological Sciences, Medical Sciences, Agricultural Sciences, Social Sciences and Humanities will be awarded to highly qualified students who are intending to complete their PhD studies in Turkey.
How to Apply: Online
Scholarship Application Deadline: 16 September 2011
Further Scholarship Information and Application

PhDs, Graduate School in Social and Political Sciences, University of Milan‏

The University of Milan has launched a call for application, based on qualifications and interviews, for admission to the Graduate School in Social and Political Sciences (GSSPS) for the following Ph.D. Programs:
• Ph.D. in Labour Studies – Coordinator: Prof. Lorenzo Bordogna
• Ph.D. in Political Studies – Coordinator: Prof. Marco Giuliani; Acting Coordinator: Prof. Francesco Zucchini
• Ph.D. in Sociology – Coordinator: Prof. Luisa Leonini
• Ph.D. in Business History and Management Coordinator Prof. Mario Benassi
For the academic year 2011/2012 the GSSPS will assign a total of 26 places, 13 with scholarship and 13 without scholarship.
13 places with scholarships will be assigned as follows:
Ph.D. in Labour Studies – 3 scholarships
Ph.D. in Political Studies – 4 scholarships
Ph.D. in Sociology – 4 scholarships
Ph.D. in Business History and Management – 2 scholarships.
Up to 8 scholarships are reserved for non-EU citizens' applicants resident abroad (outside Italy) only if they result in the final ranking for each Ph.D. program in a position not inferior than the corresponding one which gives license to use the awards as indicated for each Ph.D. program. If in the final ranking of each Ph.D. program do not appear any suitable non-EU citizen resident abroad candidate, the mentioned 8 scholarships will be awarded to EU candidates who hold those positions.
13 places without scholarship will be assigned as follows:
Ph.D. in Labour Studies – 3 places without scholarship
Ph.D. in Political Studies – 4 places without scholarship
Ph.D. in Sociology– 4 places without scholarship
Ph.D. in Business History and Management – 2 places without scholarship
The Call for Application 2011/2012 in now available to download:
Unfortunatly the Call is now available only in Italian. Soon it will be provided an English translation.
In the meantime please have a look at the following:
English Call for Application 2011-2012

The First Global Conference Europe Inside-Out: Europe and Europeaness Exposed to Plural Observers, Vienna, 22-24 September 2011‏

EuroacademiaCall for Papers for The First Global Conference ‘Europe Inside-Out:
Europe and Europeaness Exposed to Plural Observers’ to be held in Vienna,
Austria, in 22-24 September 2011

Description and aims

Europe became in the 20th century an elaborated yet contested notion as the
particular field of European studies emerged and extensive and diverse research
was directed recently towards an intensified search for what Europe is about.
The creation of the European Union made things even more specialized and
increased the stake of methodological rigor as more and more Europeans are
affected by the decisions taken in Brussels. The number, diversity and quality
of research projects focused on European issues is unprecedented, yet, as it is
usually the case with specialization it gradually led to discursive communities
that rarely meet and debate their approaches in open floors together with peers
from other continents, academic traditions and cultures. It is the aim of this
conference to build a bridge among specialists from different regions, academic
traditions and cultures that share a common interest in studying and addressing
Europe as a reflexive concern.

The first Global Conference ‘Europe Inside-Out: Europe and Europeaness Exposed
to Plural Observers’ aims exactly to refresh a broader approach and
understanding of Europe by enlarging the platform of regular conferences and
workshops for a wider arena of participants and disciplinary backgrounds in
order to put on stage a worldwide monadology for such concerns. The conference
aims to enable critical alternatives to the disciplinary orthodoxy by creating a
framework for interaction and dissemination of diversity that has to become once
more a European trademark. The conference also aims to become a constructive
confrontational space for alternative methodologies, provocative puzzles, inter,
multi and trans-disciplinary understandings of wider and also for thinner
specialized issues of concern for or about Europe of today. In a way, such a
conference aims to become a moment of return to the European specificity of
critical self-understanding through dialogue and debate with all the discursive
or narrative traditions that directly or indirectly constitute its self.

What is Europe and its place in the world? Is there something particular that
sedimented in time and through a controversial history a European way? How does
Europe see itself and how do others see it? Is Europe inclusive or club-based
exclusive? Is Europe becoming a normative power or just envisages itself as one?
Is the European multiculturalism a fact or an ideal? Is the European Union a
reflection of Europe or an appropriation of it? These are just few questions out
of an enormous space for inquiry that are to be addressed and confronted within
the topic of the conference.

The conference is organized yet by no means restricted to the following
orientative panels:

Europeas a would be world power
Europeand its internal and external others/outsiders
Europeand identities
Fortress Europe?
EU and appropriations of Europe
Europeand the Mediterranean assortment
Europeand the inclusive/exclusive nexus
Europe and the US
Europeand anti-Americanism
Europeas seen from its Eastern neighbours
Europeas viewed from far away: narratives of the Europeans outside
Europe as viewed from Asia
Europe and Africa
Non-familiar faces of Europe
Knowing Europe in a different way: from Latin America to Australia
Europeand the EU as a normative power
EU regulatory practices in context
The multiple faces of Europeanization as a process
Europeand the persistence of the East-West Slope
Europeand crises
Europeand cosmopolitanism
Europeand the post-national orders
Europein the world
European narratives of the past: the mnemonic/amnesic nexuses
Europeanization versus globalization
Europeand conflict resolution
European social models: welfare states and neoliberal suspicions
Europeand innovation
The politicization of Europe

However, if you are willing to propose and/or chair a particular panel we
welcome you to do so.

Participant’s Profile
The conference is addressed to academics, researchers and professionals with a
particular interest in Europe from all parts of the world. Post-graduate
students, doctoral candidates and young researchers are welcome to submit an
abstract. Representatives of INGOs, NGOs, Think Tanks and activists willing to
present their work with impact on or influenced by specific understandings of
Europe are welcomed as well to submit the abstract of their contribution.
Abstracts will be reviewed and accepted based on their proven quality. The
submitted paper is expected to be in accordance with the lines provided in the
submitted abstract.

Selected papers will be published in an electronic volume with ISBN after the
confirmation of the authors and a double peer-review process based on an agreed
publication schedule. All the papers selected for publication should be original
and must not have been published elsewhere. All participants to the conference
will receive a copy of the volume.


The 300 word abstracts and the affiliation details should be submitted in Word,
WordPerfect, or RTF formats, following this order:
1) author(s), 2) affiliation, 3) email address, 4) title of abstract, 5) body of
abstract 6) preferred panel or proposed panel

The abstract and details can be sent to with the
name of the conference specified in the subject line or through the on-line
application form available at

We will acknowledge the receipt of your proposal and answer to all paper
proposals submitted.

For more information visit
Schuttelstrasse 57/22
1020 Vienna Austria
Phone:+43 699 105 55 248