Thứ Hai, 4 tháng 7, 2011

Call for International PhD Programme “Fundamental Problems of Quantum Gravity and Quantum Field Theory”, Poland

International PhD Projects Programme (MPD) “Fundamental Problems of Quantum Gravity and Quantum Field Theory” at the Faculty of Physics of the University of Warsaw.
Study Subject(s):Physics
Course Level:PhD
Scholarship Provider: Foundation for Polish Science, University of Warsaw
Scholarship can be taken at: Poland
Candidates must be graduate of the post-graduate (2.-degree) studies in domains: physics, technical physics, mathematics. Copy of their graduation diploma must be submitted. His/her M.Sc. diploma must be with the grade: very good (or equivalent) and must be presented together with a detailed list of all courses taken and assessed (with grades obtained for each course) during the study period (the so-called diploma supplement in case of Polish students). Conditionally we also invite candidates who are going to receive their MSc diploma by September 14th, 2011.
Scholarship Open for International Students: Yes
Scholarship Description: MPD is open internationally to all candidates satisfying conditions specified below. It is offering four years PhD program within quantum field theory for 5 students.
How to Apply: Online
Scholarship Application Deadline: July 22nd 2011
Further Scholarship Information and Application

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