Thứ Tư, 28 tháng 9, 2011

Performing Island Identities, Famagusta, North Cyprus, 19-21 November 2012‏

I would like to announce a conference in North Cyprus next year. I hope
that it could be of interest to some of the memebers of the Balkans group.
Thank you,
Best wishes,

Olga Orlić
Institute for Anthropological Research,

Conference Announcement: Performing Island Identities: Music, Dance, Folk
Theatre, Storytelling and Performance Traditions, (Gazimağusa
(Famagusta), North Cyprus), 19-21 November 2012

We are pleased to announce a new upcoming Island Dynamics event:
Performing Island Identities: Music, Dance, Folk Theatre, Storytelling and
Performance Traditions, which will be taking place in Gazimağusa
(Famagusta), North Cyprus on 19-21 November 2012. Performing Island
Identities will explore music, dance, storytelling, folk theatre, and
other performance traditions past and present in island communities
worldwide. We will place special focus on the role of performance
traditions in forming and maintaining identity. The conference will bring
together folklorists, anthropologists, ethnomusicologists, and others to
consider the role of islandness in the development of traditions. We are
delighted to have the noted folklorist and musician Alan Jabbour acting as
keynote speaker.
The Center for Cyprus Studies of Eastern Mediterranean University and the
Center for Island Studies of the Institute for Anthropological Research
(Croatia) are collaborating partners on this project.

The call for papers for this conference is now out, and the deadline for abstracts is 15 March 2012.

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