Thứ Năm, 8 tháng 9, 2011

Workshop, Gender and Far Right Politics in Europe, Georg-Simon-Ohm-University of Applied Sciences Nuernberg, 27-28 September 2011‏

Call for Proposals - Workshop “Gender and Far Right Politics in Europe
27th - 28th of September 2012
Georg-Simon-Ohm-University of Applied Sciences Nurnberg (Germany)

We invite applications to present a paper at a workshop on Gender and Far
Right Politics in Europe to be held in September 2012 at Nürnberg
(Germany). The Workshop aims to bring together scientists of all career
stages and/or critical activists, journalists and practicians from
different European countries who did research on aspects of the named
topic. Submissions could refer to the following aspects (all or parts or
additional ones):

A. Women/men within the far right
- quantitative shares of women/men at diverse dimensions of far right
(hate crimes, elections etc.)
- preferred issues and ways of activity
- women’s organisations
- social networking
- social resources and backgrounds
- international connections
- effects of women’s presence in the far right (within the scene)

B. Gender specific attempts to infiltrate civil society
- improving public image of the far right
- community activism
- educational system and social work
- using of social media and virtual media
- antifeminism as a strategy

C. Ideology
- narrative strategies
- dealing with the past
- gender ideologies
- role of intellectuals and churches

D. Motivations
- findings on reasons and ways to become a member of the far right
- criticism of traditional explanatory of political science

E. Countermeasures and preventive measures
- sensitivity for gender perspectives on the far right at diverse actors
courts, media, social work, school, …)

F. Researching in the field of gender and right wig extremism
- approaching and entering the field of research
- field-experiences
- getting out of the field of research

We like to encourage especially submissions with comparative perspectives
on two or
more countries, but also submissions which cover the situation in just one
Interested persons should submit a short CV and a half- to one-page
description of the
issue they would like to present at the workshop. These should be sent to

between 1st of October and 30th of November 2011. Applicants will be
notified of
decisions in January2012. The organizers will cover transportation and
costs (in whole or partly), provided that the applications for funds will
be successful.

Prof. Dr. Andrea Pet, Central European University Budapest (Hu)
Prof. Dr. Michaela Kttig, University of Applied Sciences Frankfurt a.M.
Prof. Dr. Renate Bitzan, Georg-Simon-Ohm-University of Appl. Sciences
Nürnberg (Ger)

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