Two PhD positions (project researchers):
Adjusting welfare states in Eastern Europe after the crisis of 2008, University of Mannheim, MZES
Researcher A with a working knowledge of Czech, Slovak, and/or Slovenian
Researcher B with a working knowledge of Russian (Ukrainian)
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The Mannheim Centre for European Social Research (MZES) at the University of Mannheim offers two PhD positions (project researchers) in a DFG funded project
"Weathering the crisis? Adjusting welfare states in Eastern Europe after the crisis of 2008".
The position is tenable for a period of 3 years, starting on 1 September 2011. The project researchers are expected to undertake a doctorate in Sociology in the area of research covered by the project.
The project analyses the political and economic determinants of the welfare state restructuring in Eastern Europe in the context of post- 2008 austerity politics. Researcher A will be responsible for a research module including empirical work in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Slovenia. Researcher B will conduct a study on Ukraine, Belarus, and Hungary.
The project researchers should
• Conduct small-N comparative historical analysis of welfare-state restructuring
• Collect empirical material through fieldwork in three Eastern European countries
• Conduct comparative analyses employing the analytical apparatus of macro-sociology, comparative welfare-state research and political economy
• Prepare academic publications and give conference presentations
The successful candidates will have
• M.A. degree in social sciences (or its equivalent), with a specialization in welfare-state research, political economy, or macro-sociology.
• A very good command of English (including the ability to write academic texts in English)
• A broad training in methods, including also comparative methods
• An enthusiasm for research and an ability to work in team
Researcher A will need a working knowledge of Czech, Slovak, and/or Slovenian; Researcher B will need a working knowledge of Russian (Ukrainian), ideally also Hungarian.
Command of German is not required. MZES offers support to non-German-speaking researchers in gaining an inter-mediate proficiency in the German language.
MZES is one of the largest research institutes in Germany undertaking comparative research on Europe in the field of social sciences. The University of Mannheim is among the highest ranking institutions of higher education in Sociology and Political Science in Germany. Post-graduate training is organized at the Graduate School of Economic and Social Sciences (GESS).
Gross salary will be around EUR 25,000 per annum + the employer pays approx. 20% social security contributions (0.65% TV-L 13).
Application process
The candidates need to apply through the GESS: A copy of the application must be sent to Please indicate whether you are applying for the position of Researcher A or Researcher B. Application requirements can be found at the link above.
Closing date: 15 April 2011.
More information about the project:
About the MZES:
About the GESS:
Informal enquiries may be addressed and a copy of the application should be sent to:
Dr. Jan Drahokoupil
University of Mannheim, MZES
D-68131 Mannheim, Germany
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