Thứ Tư, 1 tháng 6, 2011

EUROSPHERE PhD Summer School on Public Sphere, Sabanci University, Istanbul, 18-22 July 2011‏

Is Public Sphere Exclusively a Nation-State Phenomenon?
EUROSPHERE's next researcher training activity takes place between 18-22 July 2011, hosted in Istanbul by the Sabanci University. This is a PhD-level course on public sphere. The main target group is PhD students who are enrolled in a social science PhD programme. Persons seeking enrollment in a PhD-programme and advanced MA students are also encouraged to apply for admission.
This year's course consists of five thematic components:
The first component presents the ongoing research within the EUROSPHERE Project and introduces a discussion of theories of public sphere.
The second component offers lectures analyzing the status of everyday life and human imagination in people's understandings and experiences of the public sphere.
The third block elucidates the role of civil society and democratic institutions in public spheres, whereas the fourth conceives the public sphere with a focus on diversity and domination in public spheres.
The final component offers two philosophical analyses of ethics in public sphere.
The course lasts five days and offers lectures and student presentations each day. The overall course provides 20 hours of lectures and 10 hours of student presentations. The course programme, content, and curriculum have been devised to enable the participating PhD students to obtain ECTS
credits that can be used as part of their PhD-education.
There are two levels of participation, each of which qualifies for different levels of ECTS:
• Full course attendance and active participation in discussions for five days gives 5 ECTS
• Full course attendance and paper presentation qualifies the candidates for 10 ECTS credits.
PhD students who wish to obtain full ECTS credits from this course are expected to (1) attend the whole course, (2) present a paper during a student presentation session (see the programme below), (3) actively discuss other students' papers, and (4) submit the final version of their papers after the course, latest by 1 November 2011. All course participants, including MA students, can apply to present a
paper in a student session. However, only participants who are enrolled in a university PhDprogramme can submit a paper after the course to acquire the full 10 ECTS credits. Upon approval of full course attendance and curriculum knowledge, participants who are not enrolled PhD students receive an official certificate of participation specifying the acquired 5 ECTS credits. The enrolled PhD students whose papers pass the evaluation will receive an official course certificate specifying the 10 ECTS credits they have acquired.
Lecturers (in alphabetical order):
Geoff S. Bove, Thompson Rivers University, Canada
Andras Bozoki, Central European University, Hungary
Wanda Dressler, FMSH-Paris, France
Jostein Gripsrud, University of Bergen, Norway
Gürcan Kocan, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey
Trond Kvamme, Norwegian Social Science Data Services, Norway
Yngve G. Lithman, University of Bergen, Norway
Ahmet Öncü, Sabanci University, Turkey
Hakan G. Sicakkan, University of Bergen, Norway
Slavko Splichal, University of Ljubliana, Slovenia
Travel Grants
The five PhD students who apply first will be awarded with a 400 euro travel grant. The grant will be paid after the course. The conditions for such payment are:
• Being an enrolled PhD student
• Attendance to the whole course
• Presenting own research paper
• Participation in discussions of other students' papers
Travel and accommodation
Sabanci University has reserved 20 rooms at its campus hotel for the EUROSPHERE PhD School participants. Please check the relevant box in the online application form if you want to stay at the Sabanci University campus during the course.
The course curriculum will be sent to all students whose applications are granted.
Online registration will be open on between 16 May and 24 June 2011.

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