Thứ Tư, 1 tháng 6, 2011

The Florida Stormwater Association’s Scholarship Program, 2011 in USA

Applications will be accepted from graduate students in colleges or schools of engineering, natural science, public administration that have an interest in storm water science, engineering or finance.
- Eligibility is limited to students in good standing that are currently enrolled on a full-time basis in a graduate program at a Florida college or university, and plan to attend classes in the Fall 2011 semester on a full-time basis,
Scholarship Description: The Florida Stormwater Association’s Scholarship Program awards financial assistance to qualified students attending Florida colleges and universities whose education interest is in storm water research, management or finance. Applications are accepted annually from graduate students in colleges or schools of engineering, natural science, public administration that have an interest in storm water management or finance.
-Eligibility is limited to students in good standing that are enrolled in a graduate program at a Florida college or university.
How to Apply: Post
Scholarship Application Deadline: 12 Aug 2011
Further Scholarship Information and Application

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