Chủ Nhật, 8 tháng 5, 2011

Traineeships at the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, Vienna (Austria). Deadline: 16 May 2011

Twice a year, the FRA offers traineeships for a period of six months. The traineeship periods are from 1 April to 30 September and from 1 October to 31 March of the following year. Our traineeships aim at providing trainees an understanding of the objectives and activities of the Agency, practical experience and knowledge of the day-to-day work of FRA, to put their learning into practice and contribute to the Agency's mission.
The deadline for applications is 16.05.2011, 13:00 CET.
We strongly recommend that applicants read the Rules governing traineeship periods at FRA carefully before submitting their applications.
How to apply:
• Prepare your CV in Europass format (other formats will not be considered). This document should be attached to the "Online Application form";
• Complete the FRA online application clearly indicating the Department of your choice.
You can apply only for one Department. Candidates applying for more than one department will be automatically rejected.
Applications that do not meet the eligibility criteria or are incorrectly submitted will be rejected. FRA will not return applications to candidates.
The processing of personal data by the FRA is governed by Regulation (EC) N° 45/2001. By submitting an application for a traineeship, the applicant is understood, in the sense of Article 5 (d) of the Regulation, to have given his/her consent to the processing of the personal data contained in the application form and the supporting documents enclosed therewith. The provision of information requested in the application form and the supporting documents is obligatory. Incomplete applications will be excluded from the selection. The personal data in question is collected by the FRA for the sole purpose of the selection of trainees.
For further information on how to apply, please refer to the general Application Instructions.
No employment of any form can be offered following the end of the traineeship period unless through a recruitment procedure with a vacancy notice published on the FRA Website.
Due to the great number of applications, only short-listed candidates will be contacted by e-mail. Any information about the closure of the selection and the award of the traineeships will be posted on the present page.Should the applicant require further information or wishes to access or rectify data, they can address it to: For more information visit FRA

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